Saturday, December 31, 2011

Waxing Crescent Moon enters Aries

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

8th Day of the 1st Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch
8th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Beith/Birch
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon rises: 11:26AM EST
Moon sets: 11:59PM EST
Moon enters the Cardinal Fire
Sign of Aries at 4:48AM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The potency of
dreams enacted.
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:43AM EST
Sunset: 5:02PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What does
the seasonal cycle of renewal offer you?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 31st, 2011

Moon in Aries - The Moon in Aries lights a fire under our tails; it wakes us up, strips away our complications and our patience. We can make a fresh start but tend to shoot from the hip, move fast, argue quickly. This transit is a time to initiate, speak up and honor independence. We are asked to wake up and remember who we truly are, even if it bothers those we love or work for. Tempers, tears and passions run hot. This is a time of new beginnings (and how appropriate that this sign comes up with the new year beginning), intense activity, pioneering in any field, reaching out with emotional surges, and impulsiveness and acting on feelings of moment. This moon transit is the great tester of limits. You may feel impatient now or want to initiate new things.
   Aries is based on impulsiveness and acting on feelings of moment rather than the result of reason. Sometimes snap decisions are made - later to be regretted. The force of Aries is felt in emotional surges, whereby we are highly assertive and enthusiastic. Aries is known for headstrong behavior, and a tendency towards temperamental blowups. Selfishness could be am issue, so be extra sensitive to others. Moon in Aries is the best time to work magick involving leadership, authority, rebirth, spiritual conversion or willpower. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time. Those born under an Aries moon sign are passionate, honest and fierce, big-hearted but intensely self-directed. They are happy to loan their fire to inspire others, just don't tell them what to do.

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility - Foundation Day.

Tarot Spreads for New Year - Guest Author - Leslie Fulger

Each New Year provides us the ability to start anew, set goals and with any luck have a better, happier and more prosperous year than the last. However, the previous year may have been filled with challenges, obstacles and changes that have taken the zest out of life leaving some filled with apprehension as to what to expect in the coming New Year.

One way of getting a glimpse into what the New Year has in store for us is through utilizing the Tarot. There are various spreads available specifically geared towards the New Year. One of the most common is called The Zodiac Spread which provides a couple different options to obtain a yearly based reading. The typical Zodiac Spread is similar to the Keltic Cross. This spread looks at different aspects and areas of your life.

To do this spread, pull 13 cards placing them in a circle with the final card being the overall outcome or summary. The cards in each position are as follows:

1. deals with self expression, identity and how you see yourself.

2. represents tangible assets, personal income and earning capacity.

3. governs intellect and communication, family and relatives.

4. rules your home, property and the environment you find yourself in.

5. associated with pleasurable pursuits, romance and fortunate speculative ventures.

6. pertains to your job, working conditions, relationship with co-workers and circumstances regarding your health.

7. refers to partnerships, agreements, business relationships and close personal relationships including marriage and divorce.

8. governs death, rebirth, legacies, inheritances and new beginnings.

9. governs spiritual guidance and self awareness, travel, and often times denotes the best course of action for you to take.

10. describes your goals, ambitions, achievements, desires and success.

11. associated with friendships and affiliations that help to advance your personal goals.

12. denotes anxiety and hidden influences that can cause limitations and unnecessary suffering.

13. final outcome.

Another method of The Zodiac Spread is the month-by-month spread in which you pull 13 cards one representing each month of a the year and the final card indicates the overall general atmosphere you are likely to experience over the coming year according to the influences and elements present at the time of the reading.

Months that have a Major Arcana card land in that position will signify an important month. Any Aces that appear indicate a chance for new beginnings or a fresh start so pay particular attention to those cards and influences.

These are only a few examples but they are quite effective and informative in providing valuable insight into the New Year. And remember this is only an glimpse of possibilities as nothing is set in stone. Should you encounter a card that doesn't really provide clear insight, feel free to use clarification cards to assist the process.

To Your Divinatory Success!
Leslie Fulger
Tarot Site Editor

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thor's Day - Waxing Crescent Moon in Pisces

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

6th Day of the 1st Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch
6th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Beith/Birch
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon rises: 10:35AM EST
Moon sets: 10:38PM EST
Moon in the Mutable Water
Sign of Pisces
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Music of your choice
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:42AM EST
Sunset: 5:01PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Which
fear is keeping you in prison?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 29th, 2011

Thor's Day - Jupiter Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight and Expansion - Expansion Day.... there are minor magickal energies today for business success....

The Birch Tree - The Birch was the first tree to colonize Europe and North America after the Last Age some 13,000 years ago, so it is fitting that it should be the first consonant of the Tree Alphabet. The birch remains as much at home in the northern hemisphere today as it did in the past and there 60 species still be found . Despite its very delicate appearance, the birch is a pioneer tree which will find a foothold where most other trees will not grow. It is one of the main trees that is able to grow in inhospitable regions of the Arctic tundra and also in the ancient wild wood to be found in the highlands of Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
     The birch is fast growing and acts as a nurse tree by offering protection to slower-growing trees like the oak and pine, which follow in its wake. It is easily recognized by the tracery of its delicate twigs and branches. Because the leaves are small and cast a light shadow other plants are easily able to grow in its shelter and this in turn encourages insects, birds and animals into the woods. Ironically, as more tender trees flourish under the protective birch, they ofter over-reach and smother the tree that has helped them.
   Birch leaves are light and easily carried by the wind. They also rot easily, bringing nutrition to the earth and allowing other plants to establish themselves where they might not otherwise have been able to grow. A single birch produces millions of tiny seeds held in pendulous catkins which dangle in the wind, allowing the seeds to be dispersed far and wide. Its timber is white, tough and straight-grained with the unusual trait of showing no difference between the inner heartwood and the outer sapwood.
    Relatively short-lived, the birch seldom lives longer than 80 years, going through youth, maturity and senility in much the same time as we do. When young, its twigs are supple and bendy, growing harder and more brittle as the tree itself grows older.  The trunk of the Silver Birch sheds its bark in papery strips and when the tree dies, the bark often remains standing s a delicate hollow tube, long after the inner wood has dies and rotted away.
    Fertile and prolific, graceful and nurturing, the Silver Birch was seen by our ancestors as the embodiment of the feminine principle. Wherever it had its stronghold it was the mainstay of human settlement.
[From The Wisdom of Trees by Jane Gifford ]

What Magick Is - what it does and what it should and should not be used for......

    This comes from a book by Isobel Bird - it is an excerpt from a part of the book regarding an beginning class about explaining Witchcraft.
    "Anya picked up a pot that had a small plant growing in it, 'This is a lavender plant,' she said. 'I grew it from seeds that started indoors about a month ago. When it's warm enough, I'm going to plant in my garden.'   Kate didn't under stand what Anya was getting at. Sure, a lavender would be pretty, but it was hardly magick.  'It took a lot for that little seed to become this plant,' Anya continued. 'The seed contained everything it needed to make the plant, but without the help of water and the light, it would have stayed dormant. And without more of it, the plant won't bloom and fill my garden with its fragrance. In a way magick is like the water and the light. We have the potential to make all kinds of things happen. But if we don't find ways to use that potential - to nourish it - then nothing happens.'
  'You mean the magick is already in us?' asked a woman in the back.  'That's right,' Anya said. 'Many people mistakenly think of magick as something mysterious or supernatural. It is, in a way, because it's something extraordinary. But true magick is simply finding ways to make the things happen that we already have the ability to make happen.'
   'Can you give us an example?' asked Lea.  Anya thought for moment, 'Suppose I need money,' she said. 'Maybe I need six hundred dollars to pay for repairs on my car. I might do a spell in which I ask for money to come my way. A few days later, I might get  raise at work, or someone who owes me money might pay me back. I might even get a tax refund I didn't know was coming.'
   'But that's not magick,' the first woman said. 'That's just luck.'
   'Is it?' asked Anya. 'What is magick? It's removing the obstacles that are preventing you from getting what you want or need. When I do a ritual or cast a spell, I'm really asking for help in finding ways around the obstacles that are in my way. If I need money, I look for ways that I can get that money. I don't expect it to just fall out of the sky.' 
    'But if you just want something?' Sasha asked. 'I mean, like what if you see a really great leather jacket, but you can't afford it. Shouldn't you be able to do magick and just get it?'  'Thast's a good question.,' Anya said. 'Do you think you should?'
   'Sure,' said Sasha... 'If I can do magick, I should be able to get what I want out of it.'  'What do the rest of you think?' Anya asked. 
   "I don't think you should use magick like a credit cad,' Annie said carefully, breaking the silence. 'If all you do is take, take, take, then what's the point?' 
   'The point is that you have what you want' Sasha said. 'Why should you have to work so hard for everything when there's magick?' "
   So the members in the class discussed various ways using spells could 'fix' or 'get' things you want or need in your life.  One of the statements made that I thought was something to keep in mind is 'magick should be used for removing obstacles, not for plowing through things like a bulldozer.'  Maybe this excerpt can give us a better insight into how magick is really suppose to be used and how it works.
Plant seeds during this winter days and meditate on how they grow - how they make things happen and make changes in our lives.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Waxing Crescent Moon enters Pisces this evening

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

5th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch
5th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Beith/Birch
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent Moon
 at 2:22AM EST
Moon rises: 10:07AM EST
Moon sets: 9:37PM EST
Moon in Aquarius v/c 6:00PM EST
Moon enters the Mutable Water
Sign of Pisces at 6:45PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Thresholds of light
in your life.
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:42AM EST
Sunset: 4:59PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
threshold of attainment waits for you
to cross over?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf)\ Quarter
of the Year
December 28th, 2011

Waxing Crescent Moon - It's age is 1 to 5 days - it is 45-90 degrees ahead of the sun. The crescent faces East - the gates of rebirth. The moon rises at midmorning and sets after sunset. The crescent's greatest strength is at the midpoint. Work for animals, business, change, emotions, matriarchal strength.
She is the first visible sliver of Moon seen in the western sky in the late afternoon and early evening. The Crescent Moon is the SPROUT. The seed has broken through the earth and reaches up as she ventures from the dark, moist earth she has known.  Keywords for the Crescent phase are: expansion, growth, struggle, and opportunity. It is the time in a lunar cycle that you gather the wisdom learned in the New phase and communicate your intention to move forward- state your goals for this cycle. Light a candle. Write or read an affirmation. LISTEN & ABSORB. Commit to your goal(s).  Those who were born during a waxing crescent phase find they must break from the past in order to create their own destiny.

Moon in Pisces - The Moon in Pisces reveals our permeability. We dream and need to ground our dreams. We care, but can become overwhelmed by our awareness unless we feel spirit working through us. This transit is a time to imagine, share, sense, meditate, nurture, soak, and find constructive ways to be sensitive. During Moon in Pisces emotional life is more introverted, intuition is at its height and psychic energy is powerful. You are able to get in touch with your deepest self, but it can also be a time of vagueness, unclarity, and uncertainty. Pisces is about endings as a result of internal processing. You may notice a lot of people around you being moody. A lot of women have a good cry during this transit and they may need your shoulder to lean on and share their troubles with. We cry during Moon in Pisces because it's the most watery of all signs. Pisces Moon brings a retreat into the self to do the internal processing and contemplation necessary at least once during a lunar cycle. The outer world busyness becomes clouded and cold hard facts slide through your fingers like slippery fish. Things are not what they seem, so don't be confused by this transit. With Moon in Pisces we feel the world with compassion, heightened senses and strong imagination. We need quiet time in the temple or back under our covers to deal with sensory overload. This transit can be a time to vision, listen to our inner voices, allow creative juices to flow and to touch each other with new awareness. Moon in Pisces is the best time to work magick involving dreamwork, clairvoyance, telepathy, music and the creative arts. Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time. Those born under a Pisces moon came here to feel everything; they may need to filter impressions and find their deep strengths. These people offer us insight, imagination and subtle, compassionate medicine while encouraging our vision.

Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection .... there are Major magickal energies for Psychic Development....
"Try Bergamot for psychic skill
and you will have what you will.
Pendulum, mirror, card or rune
Use it for nine cycle of the Moon."
[From Seasons of the Witch datebook]

Monday, December 26, 2011

Waxing New Moon enters Aquarius

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

3rd Day of the First Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch
3rd of the Celtic Tree Month of Beith/Birch
Moon Phase: waxing New
Moon rises: 9:01AM EST
Moon sets: 7:26PM EST
Moon in Capricorn v/c 8:15AM EST
Moon enters the Fixed Air Sign of
Aquarius at 12:14PM  EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Service to the universe.
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:41AM EST
Sunset: 4:589PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What would
give your loved ones most pleasure?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 26th, 2011

Moon in Aquarius - The Moon in Aquarius connects us to our community, reminds us that are in this together. It asks us to make sure we walk our talk and integrate our philosophy with our politics. We abstract, communicate and work the crowd, but may be less intimate. The Moon in Aquarius expands our circles and offers the magick of collaboration, spirit and politics weave together. We can get too farsighted now and need to stay aware of others' feelings. Let go of assumptions and find new, unusual allies. This is a transit of dealing with facts, organizing, political issues, desire to save the world through social action, connecting with others in social situations, scientific pursuits, detachment, and the need to come and go without restriction.
   Aquarius monthly transit is a dramatic mood change. Where Capricorn values tradition and caution, Aquarius indicates anything new. innovative, different or unconventional. Extremes of behavior occur during this moon transit, especially of optimism and pessimism. Women feel the need to be friendly and social but don't want to be too personal or go too deep. Aquarius Moon can be detached or rational rather than emotional, and will change only if it's logical to do so. Freedom is very important now and you need to live with as few restrictions as possible. Aquarius moon transit cycles are the best time to work magick involving science, freedom, creative expression, problem-solving, estrasensory abilities, friendship and the breaking of bad habits or unhealthy addictions. Healing rituals for ailments of the calves, ankles, or blood are also done at this time. Those born under an Aquarius moon sign are far sighted with a gentle stubbornness; they understand group dynamics and may be more aware in family, tribe, community that she is in her most intimate relations. 

Moon Day - the Day of Remembering and Feeling - Impression Day ....there are minor magickal energies for feminine, domestic issues...

Birch Month - The common Birch, sometimes called the Silver Birch, has a white trunk with orange-red-brown branches  and is often referred to as Lady of the Woods.  The subspecies is darker and has downy instead of knobbly twigs. The Birch was well-known to the ancients, its bark being used for writing, the wood for building boats and houses. These days it is used for number of purposes from broom handles to bobbins, the lighter branches being employed in thatching. The twigs also go into brooms and have been used in the manufacture of cloth. Charcoal has been used in making gun powder. A few Birch leaves added to hot water and inhaled under a towel help to relieve headaches, head colds. and the symptoms of the flu.
    The Celts saw the Birch as a tree of new beginnings and opportunities. This may seem strange for a tree which is not placed at the start of either the traditional or modern year. However, if taken in the magickal context this ties in nicely with the resting period of Winter as it is an excellent time to start new magickal workings and studies. Place a piece of the wood on your Altar when working for inspiration, confidence and insight before commencing new areas of magickal study. Birch is one of the woods from which the traditional besom is made. The wood is used in spells for protection and purification. Make an Asperger from Birch for use in home and personal cleansing rituals. Seek the guidance of the Goddess under the branches of the Birch whatever the time of the year.
[From: The Real Witches' Year by Kate West]

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Moon - Beith/Birch Lunar Cycle - The First Lunar Cycle of the Lunar Year

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

1st Day of the 1st Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle of Beith/Birch
1st Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Beith/Birch
Moon Phase: New Moon - 1:06PM EST
Moon rises: 7:28AM EST
Moon sets: 5:10PM EST
Moon in Sagittarius v/c 6:35AM EST
Moon enters the Cardinal Earth Sign
of Capricorn at 8:47PM EST
Blodeuwed's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The gifts of mortality
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:41AM EST
Sunset: 4:58PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Which
of your family do you most appreciate?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 24th, 2011

New Moon - The age of moon is 0 - 1 days and the moon is 0 - 45 degrees directly ahead of the sun; rises at dawn and sets at sunset. Magick should be performed between dawn and sunset. A new moon's power is embryonic, you can be assured that the power of any spell cast at this time goes on. Working with sun Goddesses such as Sekhmet, Vesta, and Heartha or the God Ra will increase power. Work for self improvement, gardening, careers, and/or romance. Astrologically the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction. Because the Sun's light overpowers the nearby Moon in the day, and the Moon is on the other side of the Earth with the Sun at night, it is not visible in the sky at all. The New Moon is like a SEED planted in the earth. We cannot see Her but She is ready to grow, full of promise and energy for the journey. Keywords for the New phase are: beginning, birth, emergence, projection and clarity. It is the time in a cycle that you are stimulated to take a new action. During this phase the new cycle is being seeded by your vision, inner and outer. Engage in physical activity. Spend time alone. VISUALIZE your goals for the 29.6-day cycle ahead. For those who were born in a New Moon phase - they are impulsive, passionate, and intuitive. They are risk takers and pioneers.

Moon in Capricorn - The Moon in Capricorn inspires our ambitions for good or ill, we just have to be gentle on our souls if we're not there yet. Lead and manage, but do not manipulate or control. Time to: build, dig, organize, exercise discipline, work on foundations, make practical progress on a dream. Moon in Capricorn brings planning magick and takes your ideas, giving them form and hope. We can tap into the inner wisewoman - ask how form, ritual, organization or tradition can serve. This transit concerns leadership issues, security, responsibilities, the need to be recognized, desire to create environments, time to take care of business, deal with alternative healing for your body and intensification of your powers of concentration.
    After Sagittarius' expansiveness, now we feel contraction and time to pay attention to our needs for security, duties. obligations, drives and ambitions. It's good for setting and achieving goals, 'going for it' materially; as now we feel persistent and ambitious. Energy is slowed down. Be careful to avoid insensitivity to others and stay out of negative and pessimistic mind sets that will only drag you down. Take this moon transit to deal with your material plane, especially if you have neglected it too long. Do non-traditional healing as Capricorn is the sign of the medicine womon. Moon in Capricorn is the best time to work magick for organization, ambition, recognition, career and political matters. Healing rituals for the knees, bones, teeth, and skin are also done at this time. Those born under a Capricorn moon sign have a strong work ethic, competence  and leadership capacity, but may need to learn how to love themselves holding still.

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation, and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility - Foundation Day....

Beith/Birch - Beith symbolizes opportunity and new beginnings. The power of the dark is waning and the first signs of spring and emerging, symbolising new energies and ideas. There is no struggle here, just a natural rising of newness that can only be blocked by those who adhere to old patterns. Let the past go and renew your faith in your path, understanding that if you follow the natural order changes proves easy to embrace. Opportunities exist for you to bring movement into areas of your life that have been barren or stagnant which in turn will create new understandings and insights. Be patient, walk in the light and the fruits of your of your labors will be realized.

   The first leaves on the birch tree herald the rebirth of creation and the dawn of spring.Where man has raped the land and then left it abandoned and barren, birch will come carried by the four winds to bring back harmony and balance. It has a deep and long relationship with humans giving its sap for sweetness, wine and vinegar, its bark for writing and containers and its oil for tanning hides. Birch wood has provided cradles, boats, and roofs protecting and transporting humans for millennial.
   It cares not where it grows and indeed favours places were other trees find it hard to establish. Then it sheds its twigs and leaves season after season until the ground is fertile and ready for its brothers and sisters to join it. Just as it cleanses and rejuvenates the land, Birch does the same for humans offering medicine for kidney and urinary problems, rheumatism, gout, fevers and skin disorders. The old year was cleansed from houses using a birch broom and 'evil spirits' were cleansed from law breakers using a birch rod in the ritual of 'birching.' Likewise it is used to cleanse any place where spiritual work is to take place.
    Birch with their bark removed were favoured for Yule logs to bring its bright new energy into the darkest time of the year and the Beltane fertility dances were often performed  around a birch maypole. Birch's strong links with fertility are reinforced by its corresponding bird, the pheasant, which itself symbolizes fertility and the Mother Goddess.
[From: The Celtic Oracle by Peter Pracownik and Andy Baggott]

Friday, December 23, 2011

Nameless Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

Nameless Day
Ruled by the Dark Queen
Moon phase: Dark
Moon rises: 6:29AM EST
Moon sets: 3:06PM EST
Moon in the Mutable Fire Sign
of Sagittarius
Ceridwem's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The legacy of
wisdom you would bequeath to
your descendants.
Sum in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:40AM EST
Sunset: 4:57PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What do
you need to learn in order to be more confident?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 23rd, 2011

Nameless Day - Appeasing the Dark Queen - On this day it was the custom to fast to appease the Dark Queen so that she would allow the sun to return to the world.  One day remains completely unaccounted for in the Celtic Calendar, December 23rd (this year) known as the "Nameless Day." This is the extra day that features in so many folk tales where the story takes place over a year and a day. On this day, when the King of the Waning Year was dead and the new King of the Waxing Year not yet born, it was the custom to fast to appease the goddess in her darkest aspect so that she would permit the sun to return to the world and the cycle of the year to recommence. This darkest of days has neither tree nor name and is sacred to the Morrigan, goddess of death and destruction. Her name means Great Queen in Irish. She appears in Arthurian legend as Morgan le Faye, sister of King Arthur: 'le Faye' means 'the Fate'. This dark queen took the form of a raven and was feared and respected by everyone.

Sun in Capricorn - Capricorn is one of the Earth signs bringing physicality, resourcefulness, practicality and a down-to-earth attitude. It is also a Cardinal sign indicating a desire to take action, impatience, eagerness and a need to be in control. Cardinal earth-sign Capricorn asks us to check our responsibilities to family, tribal traditions and life's purpose - resolving to walk forward with integrity and remember our highest goals. As we remember our destiny, we need to exercise self-control  but not control others.
   Capricorns have places to go and things to do. They remind us that we lives in a process, and to notice where the road takes us, how competently we get there and whether we do so with integrity. They can choose to micro-manage, or instead share leadership and so empower others to enrich all

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Waning half moon enters Scorpio

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

26th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
26th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waning Half Moon
Moon rises: 2:58AM EST
Moon sets: 1:32PM EST
Moon in Libra v/c 4:48AM EST
Moon enters the Fixed Water Sign
of Scorpio at 5:33AM EST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The magic of snow
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:39AM EST
Sunset: 4:56PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: ""What
is the source of your spiritual guidance."
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 20th, 2011

Moon in Scorpio - The Moon in Scorpio gives us attitude, and brings out our primal side; it sharpens our curiosity and our edges, our focus to the point of obsession. Fluff doesn't cut it; get real or let it go; honor privacy, don't crowd. With Moon in Scorpio, dig deep. Scorpion weaves the visible and invisible worlds together. We see through and into the roots. Direct this energy away from obsession and towards creation. The Moon's transit through Scorpio is a time of death an rebirth (not necessarily physical death), iintensity, extremes and heightened sensitivity. It is good for focusing and doing psychic work because of the deep emotions and desires Scorpio brings.  Emotional resentments from the past can surface and block your heightened creative energy, so fight urges to be suspicious, secretive and moody.  This is a time of regeneration and cleaning out of emotional debris from the previous lunar cycle. There is great energy to complete things and focus on certain areas that you have found yourself to scattered to deal with in the previous cycle. Moon in Scorpio is the best time to work magick involving sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets and fundamental transformations. Healing rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are also done during this period of time.  Those born under a Scorpio Moon sign came here to find themselves in solitude first and then through transformative action with others. They may need to learn flexibility. They offer us a fearless guide to the inner worlds as they guide all transitions.

Tiu's Day - Mars Day, the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire - Action Day.....

Monday, December 19, 2011

Waning Crescent Moon in Libra

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

25th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
25th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon phase: waning Half Moon
Moon rises: 1:46AM EST
Moon sets: 12:54PM EST
Moon in the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The life made available
by decay.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:38AM EST
Sunset: 4:55PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: ""What
prejudices are you holding onto?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 19th, 2011

Moon Day - the Day of Remembering and Feeling - Impression Day

Chambers of the Sun - Throughout northern Europe a huge number of prehistoric and Neolithic sacred sites are oriented to capture the rays of the sun and moon at certain specific points in the year - generally these coincide with either the solstices or the equinoxes, which mark the subdivision of the year into quarters. The most famous of these  sites is New Grange in Ireland, as its original name, AnLiamh Greine, the 'Cave of the Sun,' testifies. For about a week before and after the Winter Solstice, the light from the rising sun passes through a narrow slot above the doorway and sweeps down the 80-foot-long passageway into the heart of the central chamber. Striking the back wall, it illuminates a series of intricately carved spirals and solar discs. Four approximately seventeen minutes the light illuminates the chamber, then slowly retreats until all is dark again.....

   A similar arrangement is found at sites such as Gavrants in Brittany (aligned with both sun and moon), Loch Crew in Ireland (sun and moon), Long Kennet in Wiltshire, England (sun), and at a number of stone circles that mark out the landscape of Britain from the Hebrides to Land's End.
   Nor is this phenomenon found only in Europe. Throughout the ancient pre-classical world of the Mediterranean, as well as in the continents of Australia and North and South Americas, similar structures designed around the movement of the sun and moon have survived. One of the most striking can be found at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, where the Solstice sunrise creates the shape of two daggers flanking a spiraql carved into the cliff face. Another impressive monument is the pyramid at the Mayan site of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza, Mexico. Here the light of the rising sun crawls down the steps of the pyramid, forming the shape of a serpent (a sacred animal to the Mayans) that eventually seems to join onto the head of the serpent that is carved into the pyramid at the foot of the steps.

The Returning Sun

    It seemed to these ancient peoples that when the sun went below the horizon it might never return and in order to prevent this they first practiced rites that would summon it back. They also sought to capture its light, and to this end fire itself became of central importance in the majority of these rites - it harbored and protected, fire would remain alive, as a symbol of the hidden sun.
   Sometimes it was enough to celebrate the return of the sun, at others it was necessary to make sacrifices to the Goddess (and God) who was the source of its light, to insure that she returned. It is the legacy of these now long-forgotten ceremonies that lies at the heart of our own acknowledgment of the Solstices. Virtually every festival that was celebrated, or which still takes place today, owes something to these ancient celebrations of the year's turning.
    The word soltice itself comes from the Latin sol steit, literally 'sun stands still,' which recognizes that for approximately six days in June and again in December, the sun appears to rise and set at more or less the same point on the horizon, appearing to stand still in the sky. For the people of the old world, the solstices effectively divided the year in two, a dark half and a light half; six months of waxing sun and six months of waning. The points where intersection offer, the borderlands between Summer and Winter, were of tremendous importance to these people, governing the round of their lives and serving as anchor points in the natural as well as agricultural and pastoral year. They have always been recognized as mysterious, shadowy, uncertain times, when the conviction that the sun would return becomes doubtful, and when the gates between the worlds stand ajar. At these times the coming and going of otherworldly beings, communications between the dead and the living happens all the more easily, and there is a need to propritate them, and to watch closely to see that things return to 'normal' once the Solstice tide has passed..
    This was above all a time of celebration, of ritual acts designed to align the individual with the cosmos. Dances were devise4d to enact the movement of the seasons, the fertility of the land and people. The masked dancers and shamans of the Bronze Age and the Neolithic people are still reflected in the masked 'guisers,' who tour the outlying villages of Britain and Ireland to this day; while the shamans, who descended a ladder or tent pole into the smoky fires of the ancestral world, recall a more familiar red-suited figure who descends our chimneys every year at Midwinter.
[From: The Winter Solstice by John Matthews]

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Waning Crescent moon enters Libra

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

24th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Medusa
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
24th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waning half moon
Moon rises: 12:36AM EST
Moon sets: 12:21PM EST
Moon enter the Cardinal Air
Sign of Libra at 3:06AM EST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Journey's end
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:37AM EST
Sunset: k4:55PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What obstructions
need to be cleared from your life?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 18th, 2011

Moon in Libra - The Moon in Libra opens our sociability, brings a friendly egalitarian vibe and encourages us to connect. This is a time to: seek justice, romance, meet, approach, create, beautify, find our balance and balance our needs with others. The Moon in Libra highlights the magick of the dance of inter-relatedness - friendly, romantic and searching for a way to connect. Libra sends out vibes of energy asking us to treat those around us as equals and make sure our politics and art, our lovemaking and our networks integrate. This transit concerns cooperation, harmony, focus on relationships, and fine artistic pursuits. All partnership activity will be heightened during this moon transit. But for those who are not in a relationship may crave a partnership or feel alone and lonely. Be aware of superficial bonding just to ease the pain of aloneness. Yet Moon in Libra is a nice time to throw a party. Everyone will be extremely social and try to please and flatter others. Moon in Libra is the best time to work magick involving artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic, spiritual or emotional balance. Healing rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time. Those born under a Libra moon are peacemakers, but need to remember to keep themselves in the equation. They see the beauty and seek fairness, help us understand one another.

Sun Day - the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal .... there are minor magickal energies for banishing disease and/or addictions.

"If you are feeling drained and weak,
a Dragon's Blood bath is what you seek.
Water, magick's sacred Source,
Resin oil, protection's force."
[From Season of the Witch datebook]

Dragon's Blood - Dragon's blood is a bright red resin that is obtained from different species of a number of distinct plant genera: Croton, Dracaena, Daemonorops, Calamus rotang and Pterocarpus. The red resin was used in ancient times as varnish, medicine, incense, and dye. It continues to be employed for the aforementioned purposes by some. This image shows Dragon's Blood as a powdered pigment or apothecary's grade and roughly crushed incense.
   A great degree of confusion existed for the ancients in regard to the source and identity of dragon's blood. The resin of Dracaena species, "true" dragon's blood, and the very poisonous mineral cinnabar (mercury sulfide)[1] were often confused by the ancient Romans, and there appears to have been a tendency to call anything that was bright red "dragon's blood". In ancient China, little or no distinction was made among the types of dragon's blood from the different species. (Both Dracaena and Daemonorops resins are still often marketed today as dragon's blood, with little or no distinction being made between the plant sources.)

   Voyagers to the Canary Islands in the 15th century obtained dragon's blood as dried garnet-red drops from Dracaena draco, a tree native to the Canary Islands and Morocco. The resin is exuded from its wounded trunk or branches. Dragon's blood is also obtained by the same method from Dracaena cinnabari, which is endemic to the island of Socotra. This resin was traded to ancient Europe via the Incense Road.
   Dragon's blood resin is also produced from the rattan palms of the genus Daemonorops of the Indonesian islands and known there as jerang or djerang. It is gathered by breaking off the layer of red resin encasing the unripe fruit of the rattan. The collected resin is then rolled into solid balls before being sold.
    The red latex of the Sangre de Grado tree (Croton lechleri), native to north-eastern South America, has wound-healing and antioxidant properties, and has been used for centuries by native people.
     Uses:  The dragon's blood known to the ancient Romans was mostly collected from D. cinnabari, and is mentioned in the 1st century Periplus (30: 10. 17) as one of the products of Socotra. Socotra had been an important trading centre since at least the time of the Ptolemies. Dragon's blood was used as a dye and medicine (respiratory & gastrointestinal problems) in the Mediterranean basin, and was held by early Greeks, Romans, and Arabs to have medicinal properties. Dioscorides and other early Greek writers described its medicinal uses.[2]
      Locals of Moomy city on Socotra island use the Dracaena resin as a sort of cure-all, using it for such things as general wound healing, a coagulant (though this is ill-advised with commercial products, as the Daemonorops species acts as an anti-coagulant[3] and it is usually unknown what species the dragon's blood came from), curing diarrhea, lowering fevers, dysentery diseases, taken internally for ulcers in the mouth, throat, intestines and stomach, as well as an antiviral for respiratory viruses, stomach viruses and for such skin disorders as eczema. It was also used in medieval ritual magic and alchemy. Not native to North America, some of the plants have been brought over in recent years and have become naturalised[citation needed].
      Dragon's blood of both Dracaena draco (commonly referred to as the Draconis Palm) and Dracaena cinnabari were used as a source of varnish for 18th century Italian violinmakers. There was also an 18th century recipe for toothpaste that contained dragon's blood. In modern times it is still used as a varnish for violins, in photoengraving, as an incense resin, and as a body oil.
    Dragon's blood from both Daemonorops were used for ceremonies in India. Sometimes Dracaena resin, but more often Daemonorops resin, was used in China as red varnish for wooden furniture. It was also used to colour the surface of writing paper for banners and posters, used especially for weddings and for Chinese New Year.
     In American Hoodoo, African-American folk magic, and New Orleans voodoo, it is used in mojo hands for money-drawing or love-drawing, and is used as incense to cleanse a space of negative entities or influences. It is also added to red ink to make "Dragon's Blood Ink", which is used to inscribe magical seals and talismans.
    In folk medicine, dragon's blood is used externally as a wash to promote healing of wounds and to stop bleeding. It is used internally for chest pains, post-partum bleeding, internal traumas and menstrual irregularities.
    In neopagan Witchcraft, it is used to increase the potency of spells for protection, love, banishing and sexuality. In New Age shamanism it is used in ceremonies in a similar way as the neopagans use it.
     Dragon's blood incense is also sold as "red rock opium" to unsuspecting would-be drug buyers. It actually contains no opiates, and has only slight psychoactive effects, if any at all.
[From: ]

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Last Quarter Moon phase

"I'm ome with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

23rd Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Medusa
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
23rd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Last Quarter Moon - 7:47PM EST
Moon sets: 11:51AM
Moon rises: 11:59PM EST
Moon in Virgo v/c 9:28PM EST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The dormant
life of the seed.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:37AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Solar Question of the Day: "Are
you fulfilling your spiritual vocation?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 17th, 2011

Last Quarter Moon - The Moon is now 21 to 24.5 days away from the New Moon and the Moon is 270-315 degrees ahead of the Sun. The crescent shape the waning moon will become begins turning itself westward, to the realm of death. The power if Moon is now waning, being drawn inside for later use. Cast spells now requiring resolution or for something to be concluded. The waning moon is used for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity. The Last Quarter Moon (or waning half moon) rises around midnight and sets around noon. Astrologically the Moon is square to the Sun. She is visible from the time she rises almost until she sets. The Last Quarter Moon is the HARVEST phase - the lunar plant gives her life so that others may continue theirs.  Keywords for the Last Quarter phase are: realignment, revision, integration and cleansing. It is the time in lunar cycle to take closing action, to follow-up and complete the activities begun at the New phase. During this phase you become aware of what is and what is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal for this cycle. The movement is toward integration. Open to your success. MANIFEST YOUR GOAL. Be responsible. Those who were born in a Last Quarter phase have a powerful internal life of reflection and transformation. They can assume different roles while balancing their internal and external worlds.

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility - Foundation Day ......  there are minor magickal energies for protection today.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Disseminating moon in Virgo - Yule Log Cake recipes

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

22nd Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Rules by Hestia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
22nd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Disseminating
Moon sets: 11:21AM EST
Moon rises: 11:28PM EST
Moon in the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The joy of simplicity.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:36AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
is seeking to reveal itself in your dreams?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 16th, 2011

Freya's Day - Venus Day - the Day of Sharing and Relationships...  there are minor magickal energies for amicable divorce or parting.

Making a Yule Cake - Winter Soltice is next Thursday - time to start preparations.  Here is a recipe for a Yule Log to share with friends and family whether Wiccan or not. 
   Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Grease and line with greaseproof paper a 13 by 9 inch cake pan.
Put 3 eggs and 4 oz. caster sugar (Caster sugar is the British term for a fine sugar. It's called caster sugar because the sugar granules are tiny enough to be sprinkled through a condiment dispenser known as a "caster." In the United States, this sugar is called superfine.) into a bowl placed in a pan of hot water. Whisk until light in color and stiff enough to retain the mark of the whisk.  Remove from the pan of hot water and continue to beat until cool. Shift 3oz. plain flour and fold 2 oz. into the egg and sugar mix. Add 1 oz. cocoa powder to the remaining 1 oz. of flour and fold this in too. Blend 1 tablespoon of hot water . Pour the mixture into the tin, ensuring it is evenly spread without knocking out the air. Bake for 7 to 9 minutes until well risen. Heavily dust another sheet of greasedproof with caster sugar. Cut off the crispy edges and roll the hot sponge and paper into  fairly tight roll. Whip 1/2 pint double cream until really stiff. Once the sponge is cold, slide the paper out and uncurl the sponge enough to fill it with cream. Cut the roll diagonally and place one piece against the other to make a branched log shape. Melt
2 oz. chocolate in a bowl over hot water, add 1/2 teaspoon glycerine and about 2 oz. sifted icing sugar. Pour this over the log and use a fork to make bark-like markings. Dust with icing sugar (powdered) and decorate with holly leaves.
[From Kate West's The Real Witches' Year]


Recipe 26 Yule Log Cake

Posted on November 29, 2010 by seika

I am always amazed at the power, warmth and beauty of a crackling fire. It’s ability to mesmerize and draw you into a story played out in glowing embers that pop and crackle as flames lick around the logs like eerie finger tips. Sparks like wee creatures escaping and flying skyward into the night. At this time of year when the sun plays hide and seek and Old Man Winter takes hold and freezes us with his icy breath something deep within, our hidden primal spirit longs to sit beside a roaring fire and soak up it’s warmth. This is where the celebration of Yule comes in.

The history of the (Christmas) Yule Log originated in the ritual known as Yuletide, a pagan festival of fire. This festival uses the burning of a log on the eve of the Winter Solstice to usher in the power of the sun. The day traditionally falls on December 20 and is the shortest day and longest night of the year. At this point the nights grow shorter and the sun grows stronger and begins on it’s path back to the Northern Hemisphere. The name Yule is derived from the Norse words “Yul” or “Jul”.

The earliest records of burning a Yule-style log are from ancient Egypt in about 5000 BC to honour Horus, the sun god. The Sumerians also had a similar ritual to honour the sun.

To the Celtic Druids Yule was a solar festival with the log being burnt after the celebratory dinner. Oak logs symbolized life. Pine logs represented death. It was also the end to a dangerous time between Samhain (Halloween), or summer’s end, and Yule. After the Vikings invaded Britain in 1100 AD, local Celts adopted Thor, the Viking god of thunder. He then became the center of Celtic Yule Log celebrations.

Prep Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes

Cook Time: 12 to 15 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 25 minutes


Cake Batter:

4 eggs, separated

2/3 cup sugar

1/4 cup cake flour, sifted with a pinch of salt

1 tsp vanilla

grated lemon peel


1 cup of whipping cream

2 tbsp fine sugar or powdered sugar

grated orange peel

1/2 tsp orange extract


6 tbsp. butter

1 cup powdered sugar

6 tbsp. cocoa

2 to 3 tbsp heavy cream (whipping cream)

walnuts pieces or any other nut you prefer


Grease a large shallow pan (jelly roll pan or deep cookie sheet) and line with wax paper. Set oven at 400 F . Beat egg whites until foamy, slowly add sugar and beat until stiff. Fold in flour and salt. Mix vanilla, lemon peel and beaten egg yolks. Gently and quickly fold the 2 mixtures together. Spread over pan gently and bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Turn out onto a tea towel dredged with powdered sugar. Fold into a loose roll. When cool, gently open and spread with filling then re-roll into a tighter spiral. Wrap cake with waxed paper and place into refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

While waiting for cake to chill slightly make frosting as follows: In mixer with beater attachment cream butter at high speed for a minute or two then reduce speed to low. Mix sugar and cocoa in a separate then add slowly add to butter. Once incorporated add cream 1 tbsp at a time and continue to beat until creamy. If frosting is too stiff add a little more cream a teaspoon at a time until desired consistency is reached. If frosting becomes to runny add a small amount of powdered sugar to bring it back. Frosting should be creamy and easy to spread.

Remove cake from refrigerator and place on serving platter. Frost cake using a spatula or frosting knife to resemble tree bark. Arrange walnuts over top of log. You can decorate with artificial holly sprigs or make meringue mushrooms to add to cake.
Yield 8 to 10 servings

FOOTNOTE: Meringue mushrooms are made by separating 2 egg whites beat until fluffy, add 1 1/8 cup powdered sugar and beat until glossy and stiff. Egg white should form peaks and not collapse. Place meringue in piping bag and pipe out mushroom stems and caps onto greased baking sheet. Place in oven at 200 F for 3 hours or until dry. Remove, cool and use a dab of buttercream frosting to attach stem to cap. If you like you may also add 1/8 cup of nuts to your filling.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Disseminating Moon enters Virgo

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

21st Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hestia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
21st Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Disseminating
Moon sets: 10:51AM EST
Moon rises: 10:20PM EST
Moon in Leo v/c 8:19PM EST
Moon enters the Mutable Earth
Sign of Virgo at 10:58PM EST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The spirit of the Land
in Winter
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:35AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Solar Question of the Day: "Where
are you most vulnerable?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 15th, 2011

Moon in Virgo - The Moon in Virgo sends us back to work and gives us a to-do list. We become impatiently aware of what needs to be improved, fixed or healed. Our compassion is strong, but we can get irritated at less industrious folk. This transit when we edit, critique, care, exercise, investigate, heal, study, but be gentle with others. Don't get stuck in your head. During this transit important issues are practicality, organization, cleaning up your diet or your house, healing your body or offering healing to other and attending to loose ends after the Leo transit. It is a time of taking responsibility and cleaning up the messes we've been leaving. Virgo brings painstaking attention to detail. We find ourselves mentally active but there is a tendency to excessive criticism both of oneself and others. Emotionally it can be an inward time when we reflect on personal relationships. Moon in Virgo is the best time to work magick involving employment, intellectual matters, health and dietary concerns. Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time. Those born under a Virgo moon sign are curious, responsible, caring but need to cultivate a gentle acceptance of self and others.

Thor's Day - Jupiter Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight and Expansion.....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Disseminating Moon in Leo

I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

20th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
20th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Disseminating Moon - 5:46AM EST
Moon sets: 10:19AM EST
Moon rises: 9:13PM EST
Moon in the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The constellation that
your soul-friends make.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:35AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "How are
you respecting or abusing friendship?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Day
December 14th, 2011

Disseminating Moon - The Moon has moved 17.5 to 21 days from the New Moon phase and rises at mid-evening and sets at mid-morning. The time of the souls (3AM) would be midpoint here. Banishing work starts now. Workings should focus upon addiction, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, and protection.  As we go into the darkening phase of the Disseminating Moon, we get the FRUIT of the moon plant's life cycle - the fruits of wisdom and experience. Keywords for the Disseminating phase are: demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection. It is the time in a lunar cycle to further process your advancement toward your goal by looking at the results of your adjusting action taken at the Full Moon. During this phase you gain clarity by sharing what you've learned through awareness. Demonstrate your power of abundance by giving back to your community. Visit friends. Distribute your knowledge. SHARE. Reach out and touch someone. Those who were born in a Disseminating moon phase find that life must have meaning and purpose. They enjoy sharing their ideas with others.

Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection .....  there are minor magickal energies for having clarity for decisions.

Here is a good source for some astrological for these days of Sagittarius and Mercury's return to a forward direction:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Waning Gibbous Moon enters Leo -Mercury Retrograde ends

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

19th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
19th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waning Gibbous
Moon 9:44AM EST
Moon rises: 8:08PM EST
Moon v/c Cancer  11:05AM EST
Moon enter the Fixed Fire Sign
of Leo at 4:48PM EST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The truth of the imagination
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:34AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
is the source of your inspiration?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 13th, 2011

Moon in Leo - The Moon in Leo illuminates our extroverted sides; we brim with generosity but can get stuck in our own perspective. This transit is the time to shine, express, dramatize, celebrate, create, appreciate, stage, reach out and be generous with our attention; watch assumptions and do not push the stubborn. With Moon in Leo we have the guts to be visible and bring culture to life. This transit is the best time to set appointments with the patriarchal system as this is when we can successfully deal with these issues and people who are in positions of authority and power. Enjoy the warmth of kindness and generosity, excitement and exuberance , parties and celebrations. You will want to spend money during Moon in Leo. It's hard to recognize limits in a Leo Moon transit; it's also a time for power issues to erupt. Who will be the center of attention? Ambition and independent leadership are important issues. As the  Moon moves to Virgo (on Thursday in the evening) the ambitious energy of Leo becomes unassuming. Moon in Cancer is the best time to work magick involving authority, power over others, courage, fertility or childbirth.  Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine, or heart are also done during this period of time. Those born under a Leo Moon Sign can fill  room with personality and make the most of any situation, but may need to learn to honor the quiet, the mundane or another's reality. 

Tiu's Day - Mars Day - the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire - Action Day.....

Mercury Retrograde ends at 8:42PM EST ...... When Mercury departs its retrograde retreat this phase is called 'stationary direct' and occurs when Mercury finally stops its backwards motion. turns around and begins to resume its forward journey along the zodiacal path. The planet does not do this quickly, however, but slowly as if hovering in place - changing the atmosphere with heightened tension. For three or four days before and after the day Mercury begins to move froward, there is a collective in-drawing of breath like the pause after an orchestral crescendo, things hang in balance.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Waning Gibbous Moon - Moon Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

18th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
18th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waning Gibbous
Moon sets: 9:05AM EST
Moon rises: 7:03PM EST
Moon in the Cardinal Water
Sign of Cancer
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The satisfaction of
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:33AM EST
Sunset: 4:53PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Where is
the wool being pulled over your eyes?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 12th, 2011

Moon Day - the Day of Remembering and Feeling - Impression Day...

Making a Sabbat Wheel - One addition to the Altar is the Sabbat Wheel .....

    This is a stone or wooden disc inscribed or otherwise decorated, with images to represent the Sabbats. If made of a soft stone, such as slate, then the images can be sketched on with pencil and then carved into the surface. A circular wheel is easy to make, and a simple plain breadboard can form your basis. First, divide it into eight equal segments, like the spokes of a wheel. Symbols can then be burnt or carved into each of the segments, drawn or painted, or even created from gemstone chips, seeds, etc.
Alternatively, you could press plants which represent each Sabbat and glue them into place, sealing it with a coat of clear varnish. Some ideas for the decorations are: Imbolc, candle, Snowdrops; Oestara, eggs, the Hare, Primroses; Beltane, Maypole, Besom, Chalice and Athame, Hawthorn blossom, Bluebells; Litha, the Sun, Green Man, Oak leaves, Sunflowers; Lughnasadh, a single stem or a sheaf of wheat, harvest loaf; Madron, scales; Samhain, Apples, Winter Jasmine; Yule, the Sun, Holly. For flowers and plants it is more meaningful to actually collect them in season in your garden or locality.
   Another version of this is to embroider illustrations of the Sabbats, placing each in an eighth segment of a circular tablecloth. If you have doubts about your ability to sew directly onto the cloth, then embroider pieces of cloth which are then sewn in place. This also allows several members of the group (coven) to contribute and means that each illustration can be placed on a cloth of an appropriate color if desired.
{From Kate West's The Real Witches' Year ]

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Waning Gibbous Moon enters Cancer

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

17th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of  Ruis/Elder
17th Day of Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waning Gibbous
Moon sets: 9:05AM EST
Moon rises: 6:02PM EST
Moon in Gemini v/c 5:24AM EST
Moon enters the Cardinal Water
Sign of Cancer at 8:26AM EST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The message of the wind.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:32AM EST
Sunset: 4:53PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: ""What
is the source of your inspiration?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 11th, 2011

Moon in Cancer - The Moon in Cancer deepens our feelings; our moods are stormy and vast, our hunger and desire to feed others sharpens. We protect our own, nest in our cave, need to know we're safe. Hunger grows, but for more than food. With Moon in Cancer our feelings take the lead. Cancer encourages the wisdom rising out of our oceanic unconscious through moods and feelings. Ground in the magick of our home as a temple. Ask what needs protecting and feeding. This transit concerns desires about a home, emotional security, entertaining friends, cooking, security issues, nostalgia and the desire to nurture. Prepare a feast in your home, ask friends over, or do psychic work together. Women are emotionally and psychically sensitive at this time, and due to these strong emotions it is a 'crybaby moon.'
     Moon in Cancer brings heightened sensitivity, the desire to nurture and the need to create  a home. Because of the home-orientation, coming from a deep-seated need for security, there is a greater interest in food and its preparation. This can easily lead to self-indulgence, so health-conscious women should be aware of the tendency to food binge. Cancer is the home of the moon, sensitive planet of emotions, so feelings are easily hurt, especially by personal criticism. Handle with care. Nostalgia will reign supreme. As the Moon moves towards Leo (Wednesday morning) it is a time of great personal warmth and friendship. Be careful to avoid conflict, as a grudge formed now will take a long time to heal. Moon in Cancer is the best time to work magick for home and domestic life. Healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach are also done during this period of time. Those born under a Cancer Moon can be wonderfully nurturing to our culture, body and soul when they feel safe. Early mother/home issues can be composted into empathic understanding.

Sun Day - is the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal.....

Lunar Eclipse photos:

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Full Moon in Gemini - Total Lunar Eclipse

"I'm one with the Goddess
and  open to Her Wisdom."

16th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
16th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Full - 9:36AM EST
Moon sets: 7:31AM EST
Moon rises: 5:06PM EST
Moon in the Mutable Air Sign
of Gemini
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The cordial
of praise
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:31AM EST
Sunset: 4:53PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "In
which areas do you most need to grow?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 10th, 2011

Full Moon - The moon is 14 - 17.5 days from the New Moon phase - and is 180-225 degrees ahead of the Sun. The moon rises at sunset and sets at dawn therefore a midnight working (or when the moon is directly overhead) is best. Now the moon is at the height of its strength - spells cast at this time are ideal for completion. The Mother is represented by the Full Moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy, protection, and divination. Any working that needs extra power, such as help finding a new job or healings for serious conditions, can be done now. Also love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.  She opens and blossoms during the Full Moon into the FLOWER, with the desire to share her beauty with others. Keywords for the Full phase are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, and experience. It is the time in a lunar cycle that you are given a clear view so that you can make adjustments to put you back on track to manifesting the goals you set at the New phase. Go to a public place. Do something with a friend. LISTEN. Receive awareness. Understand others. Those people who are born during a Full Moon phase enjoy companionship and partnership and desire to merge deeply. Fulfillment and illumination are always their goals. Here is a link to information about this Full Moon:    and here:

Total Lunar Eclipse - A total Lunar eclipse will happen with this Full Moon.  Here is some information on this:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gibbous Moon in Taurus

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

12th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hera
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
13th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: Gibbous - 7:36AM EST
Moon sets: 3:45AM EST
Moon rises: 2:21PM EST
Moon in Aries v/c at 6:12AM EST
Moon enters the Fixed Earth Sign
of Taurus at 9:34AM EST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The ancestral memories
of your body.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:28AM EST
Sunset: 4:53PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Are
you neglecting sources of soul-nurture?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 6th, 2011

Gibbous Moon - Age 8 to 14 days; Moon is 135 to 180 degrees ahead of the Sun. This is the time for patience and for drawing up0 energy for the coming Full Moon. The Gibbous Moon rises midafternoon and sets before dawn. She is the bulging Moon getting ready to be full, visible soon after she rises until she sets. The Gibbous Moon is the BUD of the lunar plant, the pulse of life tightly wrapped, wanting to expand. Keywords for the Gibbous phase are: analyze, prepare, and trust. It is the time in a lunar cycle to process the results of the actions taken during the First Quarter. During this phase you are gathering information. Give up making judgments, it will only lead to worry. Your knowledge is incomplete. Laugh, analyze and filter. LOOK WITHIN. Those who were born during a Gibbous phase will find their talents lie in the ability to refine, organize and purify. They are seekers, utilizing spiritual tools as guides on their path.

Moon in Taurus - The Moon in Taurus grounds us; it slows us down and wakes our sensual nature and stubbornness, helps us to dig deeper roots. The Moon in Taurus ask us to discover nurtures us and how to grow deeper roots. We can almost feel the mud oozing between our toes, awakening our senses and sensuality and growing our stubbornness. It is time to cultivate our material resources, our home and our body. This lunar transit concerns money, work, property, the body, home and family, sensuality, building cautiously and slowly, being conscientious, growth and emotional patterns based on security. The energy flow becomes solid, calm and patient during Taurus after the forceful forward movement of Aries. There is a desire to protect material goods and a strong need for financial security. This is a good time to continue or finish projects. Emotionally there is stubbornness, but great sensitivity to others. Moon in Taurus is the best time to work magick for love, real estate, material acquisitions, and money. Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck, and ears are also done during this period of time.
Those under a Taurus Moon sign root deeply and change slowly; they collect, touch, support, see the sacred in the world of matter. Steady, they can loan their strength to others, but may need to learn the beauty in change.

Tiu's Day - Mars Day - the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire - Action Day ....there are Major Magickal energies today for spells to increase productivity and for manifesting and there are minor magickal energies for warrior energy and courage.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Waxing Half Moon in Aries

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

10th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hera
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
10th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waxing Half Moon
Moon sets: 1:50AM EST
Moon rises: 1:24PM EST
Moon in the Cardinal Fire
sign of Aries
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The blessings of age
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:26AM EST
Sunset: 4:54PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Where
do you need to exercise self-control?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
December 4th, 2011

Moon in Aries - The Moon entered the Cardinal Fire Sign of Aries last night. The Moon in Aries lights a fire under our tails; it wakes us up, strips away our complications and our patience. We can make a fresh start but tend to shoot from the hip, move fast and argue quickly. This transit is the time to initiate, speak up and honor independence.  This moon transit in Aries asks us to wake up and remember who we truly are, even if it bothers those we love or work for. Tempers, tears and passions run hot. This transit is a time of new beginnings, intense activity, pioneering in any field, reaching out with emotional surges and impulsiveness. This moon is the great tester of limits. When the moon is in Aries you may want to depend on yourself, as there is also a certain amount of ego involvement. You may feel impatient now or want to initiate new things.  Aries Moon is based on impulsiveness and acting on  feelings rather than the result of reason. Sometimes snap decisions are made - later to be regretted. The force of Aries is felt in emotional surge, whereby we are highly assertive and enthusiastic. Aries is known for headstrong behavior and a tendency towards temperamental blowups. Selfishness could be an issue, so be extra sensitive to others. Moon in Aries is the best time to work magick involving leadership. authority, rebirth, spiritual conversion or willpower. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time. Those born under a Aries Moon is passionate, honest and fierce, big-hearted but intensely self-directed. They are happy to loan their fire to inspire others, just don't tell them what to do.  Days of the lunar month when the transiting moon is in your personal moon sign is a good time to work on your compulsions and unexplainable drives.
    Your Moon sign describes the automatic, instinctual part of you. If reflects the way you react when you aren't thinking, your knee-jerk responses, your habits, what makes you feel at home, your 'comfort zone'. It is also related to the body, in the sense that your body reacts to our emotions and our sense of security or safety. Your Moon sign determines what sort of intuitions you have and how you are likely to register them and respond to them.
    The Moon sign is quite different, far less conscious than our natal Sun sign and is often more evident in our childhood - it isn't something we 'grow out of' unlike with our Sun sign we display more its-ccharacteristics as we grow up. We become more aware of ourselves. self-integrated, start to make decisions and organize our lives. We are not always automatically like our Sun sign, but our ambitions and self-image may be bound up in it to some extent. It is true that the influence of our Moon sign can become overlaid by other developing characteristics, but it is always there and continues to be in evidence in domestic situations with our family and close friends, or indeed at any time when we are relaxed and vulnerable. If we are to be whole people in tune with our own needs and able to access the natural wisdom of our intuitions, we need to respect that Moon.

Sun Day - is the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal ..... there are Major magickal energies for Seven Day spells regarding Beginnings and Changes (use the color red) and minor magickal energies for spells of motivation and personal finances. 
"Seven days I hold my spell,
turn the page, wish me well.
Summon a new future bright
With red as bled and candlelight."
[From: "Seasons of the Witch" datebook]

Solitary Witchcraft - Blessed be a solitary witch. Solitary witches are often self-initiated if at all. Their practice is often eclectic in that they use what works for them regardless of the source. This is surely the oldest of all paths. It is the path or wizards and sorcrerors in pursuit of genuine magick. It is the reclusive witch that figures prominently in literature from biblical to fairy tales. Solitaries are thoughtful, comfortable alone and answer to no one but themselves. This is not to say that they aren't competent socially. They are often fun, witty and entertaining on social situations.