"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
5th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
5th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon rises: 11:97AM EST
Moon sets: 9:47PM EST
Moon enters the Fixed Air Sign
of Aquarius at 2:02AM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Thresholds of light
in your life.
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:21AM EST
Sunset: 4:55PM EST
Solar Question of the Day: "Which
fear is keeping you in prison?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
November 29th, 2011
Moon in Aquarius - The Moon in Aquarius connects us to our community, reminds us that we are in this together. It asks us to make sure we walk our talk and integrate our philosophy with our politics. We abstract, communicate and work the crowd, but may be less intimate. The Moon in Aquarius expands our circles and offers the magick of collaboration; spirit and politics weave together. We can get too farsighted now and need to stay aware of others' feelings. Let go of assumptions and find new, unusual allies. This is a transit of dealing with facts, organizing, political issues, desire to save the world through social action, connecting with others in social situations, scientific pursuits, detachment, and the need to come and go without restriction.
Aquarius Moon's monthly transit is a dramatic mood change. Where Capricorn values tradition and caution, Aquarius indicates anything new, innovative, different or unconventional. Extremes of behavior occur during this moon, especially extremes of optimism and pessimism. While we may be feeling a need to be friendly and social - we don't want to be too personal or go too deep. Aquarius can be detached or rational rather than emotional, and will change only if it's logical to do so. Those born under an Aquarius Moon is far sighted with a gentle stubbornness; they understand group dynamics and may be more aware in family tribe, community than they are in their most intimate relations.
Tiu's Day - Mars Day - the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire - Action Day.....
Fried Elderberry Blossoms: (from:
Springtime forests abound with culinary delights and elderberry blossoms are one of them. The fragrant cream-colored blossoms of the common elderberry tree appear toward the end of May, turning to small purple berries by late June. Poisonous in their unripe state, the mature berries are used to make wine, brandy, jellies, chutneys and pies. The flowers are popular in teas and cordials, because their balmy flavor lends itself to sweetened beverages. Both the berries and flowers contain an abundance of antioxidants and other beneficial properties.
The 1888 Family Living on $500 a Year: A Daily Reference-Book for Young and Inexperienced Housewives suggests using elderberries, along with sugar and allspice, to make a spicy ketchup. But the elderberry also has associations and uses far more mystical: In England and Scotland, the elderberry tree was thought to possess narcotic properties, and to sleep beneath the shade of its leaves was to court certain danger. Amulets made from the tree's leaves and bark were used as evil charms. But the elderberry didn't just lend itself to purposes malign; Hans Christian Andersen's story "The Elder-Tree Mother" (1845) tells of the elderberry's ability to ward off evil magic and summon benevolent spirits. And the Tsimshians of British Columbia believed the elderberry bush helped summon mankind itself into existence by coupling with the Raven-god.
The Elder-Tree Mother
Here's a German recipe for fried elderberry blossoms. It's a simple dish that costs next to nothing. Serve it as a dessert or an afternoon snack.
Fried Elderberry Blossoms
8 elderberry blossoms, with the stems still attached
9 ounces flour
8.5 ounces milk
2 tablespoons rum
1 pinch salt
2 teaspoons honey
1 egg
oil for frying
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 teaspoons sugar
Lay the elderberry blossoms in a dish with water and gently swirl the water around the blossoms. Lay them on a dishtowel to dry. Mix the flour, milk, rum, salt, honey and egg into a thin batter. Let stand 30 minutes. Heat the oil in a large pan to 356 degrees F. Test the heated oil with a spoonful of batter -- it should quickly become a light brown. Dip the blossoms in the batter and fry in the oil until golden brown. Then lay them on a plate covered in a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Mix the cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle over the fried blossoms (you can also use powdered sugar). Serve immediately.
My Witchcraft Events: Divination and Magical Dolls
16 hours ago