Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waxing New Moon - Life Balancing

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom"

3rd Day of the 12th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Ngetal/Reed
Celtic Tree Cycle ~ Ngetal/Reed
Moon Phase: waxing New
Moon rises: 9:10AM EST
Moon sets: 6:14PM EST
Moon in Sagittarius v/c 9:45PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Service to the universe
Sun in Scorpio
Sunrise: 7:09AM EST
Sunset: 5:00PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What obstructions need to be cleared from your life?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter of the Year
November 18th, 2009

    The new moon is waxing and you should have a list of goals you would like to see yourself achieve this lunar cycle - ok, so mine is still a bit short.  But I do have a hazel but bush branch that the deer broke off from my bush that I am going to collect and make a wand from - that is one goal for this cycle
and I had better get out there and soon and collect it.

  Life Balance:

The term 'work-life balance' is currently fashionable, reflection the dawning reaization that there may be more to life than the acquisition of wealth and possessions.

  The concept of balance is one of the keys to the Craft. Furthermore the Craft is about living as a part of life rather than apart from it. These two concepts should be applied to the balance we seek in our daily lives, as an emphasis on any one part of ife can be deterimental to the other parts.

  It is useful, occasionally, to step back and assess our lives; to examine whether we are doing the things which benefit us, or expending our energies on things which are no longer relevant or important. There are many ways of doing this, and then reviewing them against another list of things I feel are important in my life. Of course we cannot only do that which we enjoy, as there are some things which have to be done. But unless you are very organized you willo find that there are some things on which you spend time and effort which are neither necessary nor desirable. These are the things on which we expend useful time and energy, but from which we need to consider extricating ourselves. This does not mean you should completely stop being helpful to others, but that perhaps you should bring this into baloance with the rest of your life.

"Learn to say 'no' to those requests and demands which do not enchance you."
[From: Kate West's "The Real Witches' Year"]

   Over at   she has a good blog entry about this being a time in the seasons to be slowing down life some - perhaps even an age we've reached in our lives where we feel the urge to slow down - you might want to check it out as you consider on achieving Life Balance.  Maybe this could be a goal for this lunar cycle - pay attention to the seasonal energies and learn to live the Wheel of the Year as it is intended to be. Also don't forget to check outMother Moons' November giveaway.
blog has also been having little reminders of 'slowing down.'  Check there too.

Now here is a good example of slowing down for the coming winter
season.  This is from
--  nothing like a cat to show us how to truly relax.

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