Thursday, April 15, 2010

Waxing New Moon in Taurus

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

2nd of the 5th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Saille/Willow
1st Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Saille/Willow
Moon Phase: waxing new moon
Moon rises: 6:50AM EDST
Moon sets: 9:42PM EDST
Moon in the Fixed Earth Sign of
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The things that inspire you.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:41AM EDST
Sunset: 7:59PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Who are
you trying to control?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter of the Year
April 15th, 2010

Waxing Moon in Taurus -  The forceful forward movement of Aries becomes solid, calm and patient during our lunar transit through Taurus.  This is a time about issues concerning money, work, property, the body, home and family, sensuality, building cautiously and slowly, being conscientious, growth, sensitivity, planting and emotional patterns based on security. The energy flow is even.  The time in Taurus gives attention to order and detail. Emotionally, there is stubborness, but great sensitivity to others. This will be a good time to work in your garden and plant the seeds for this lunar cycle's plans.

  There are Major magickal energies for rites/spells about money matters and business success and minor magickal energies for networking.  Thor's Day/Jupiter's Day is a day of vision, spiritual insight and expansion.  So take advantage of the waxing lunar energies.

Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins today. 

   The willow tree corresponds to the Ogham letter saille (shail-uh). The willow tree's roots run deep with emotion and the powers of divination. The willow is heavily associated with the Moon and Goddess energy. You may ask a willow tree to charge and bless your divination tools, tarot deck, crystal ball, runes, ogham set, etc., during this month of the willow tree. 
   Place your favorite divination tools in a small willow basket, available in most craft stores. You can do this on any Monday (Moon Day) evening. Take the basket outside and sit with it under a willow tree. Visualize the willow tree's energy pouring down over your divination tools, filling them with its Goddess power. When you feel it's done, thank the tree, leave a gift (e. g. a crystal, coin, fertilizer stick). Try this charm while enchanting your tools:
"Willow tree, lend your vibrations,
Bless these tools of divination.
And guide my heart that I may see,
All they have to show me."
by Mickie Mueller
[From: "Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2010]


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