Monday, March 7, 2011

Moon Day - waxing New Moon in Aries

I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

4th Day of the 3rd Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Nion/Ash
18th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Nion/Ash
4th Day of the Cycle of Raven -
Days of Air
Moon Phase: waxing New Moon
Moon rises: 7:34AM EST
Moon sets: 9:18PM EST
Moon in the Cardinal Fire
Sign of Aries
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The gifts
of Spring.
Sun in Pisces
Sunrise: 6:46AM EST
Sunset: 6:17PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Where
is love manifest in your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
March 7th, 2011

Moon Day - the Day of Remembering and Feeling - Impression Day .... there are minor magickal energies for rites/spells regarding feminine and or domestic issues. 

Simple New Moon/Crescent Moon spells -   You might see the waxing New Moon in the western sky at dusk or a little later any day now. Some of the things you could do are these:

When you first see the New Moon, turn over the money in your pocket or purse so that it will increase.
It's best to look straight at the Moon herself, not through the glass of a window. 

At the first sight of the New Moon, make sure you are standing on earth or soft grass (not on pavement). Bow three times or turn around sun-wise three times and make a wish.

When you first spot the New Moon, kiss the first person of the opposite sex that you see - without saying a word. Before the lunar cycle is over this will bring a gift to treasure (but it may not be a material gift). 

If you want to dream about your future lover, look at the New Moon over your right shoulder and say:

"New Moon, New Moon, tell me true
When, where, what and who.
New Moon, New Moon shining clear
Show my true love, drawing near."

 A little jasmine oil your pillow after this spell should make you dream about that special someone.
[From: "Power of the Moon" by Teresa Moorey]

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