"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
30th Day of the 2nd Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Luis/Rowan
14th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Nion/Ash
30th Day of the Cycle of Keolwulf -
Days of the Old Ones
Moon Phase: waning Crescent/Dark Moon
Moon rises: 5:58AM EST
Moon sets: 5:25PM EST
Moon in Aquarius v/c 9:36AM EST
Moon enters the Mutable Water
Sign of Pisces at 11:47AM EST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The release
of forgiveness.
Sun in Pisces
Sunrise: 6:52AM EST
Sunset: 6:12PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: ""What
knowledge are you seeking?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
March 3rd, 2011
Moon in Pisces - The Moon in Pisces reveals our permeability. We dream, and need to ground our dreams. We care, but can become overwhelmed by our awareness unless we feel spirit working though us. This transit is a time to: imagine, share, sense, meditate, nurture, soak, and find constructive ways to be sensitive. With the Moon in Pisces we feel the world with compassion, heightened senses and strong imagination. We need quiet time in the temple or back under our covers to deal with sensory overload. A time to vision, listen to inner voices, allow creative juices to flow and touch each other with new awareness. A key phase for a Pisces transit, a Mutable Water Sign time, is "I believe." Emotional life at this time is more introverted. Intuition is at its height and psychic energy is powerful. You are now able to get in touch with your deepest self, but it can also be a time of vagueness, unclarity and uncertainty. Pisces is about endings as a result of internal processing. You may notice a moodiness in others around during this transit, especially with the Sun in Pisces as well. Yet this is also a time to an opportunity to fully appreciate art and beauty. This Pisces moon is often called a 'crybaby' moon because Pisces is the most watery signs of all. Pisces Moon brings a retreat into the self to do the internal processing and contemplations necessary at least once during each lunar cycle. The outer world 'busyness' becomes fuzzy and vague. Issues are clouded and cold, hard facts slide through your fingers like slippery fish. Things are not what they seem, so don't be confused by this transit. Moon in Pisces is the best time to work magick involving dreamwork, clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts. Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time. For those who were born under a Pisces Moon sign, you will have extra perceptions and needs to build the strength (not defense) to match. You are sensitive, intuitive, responsive and compassionate; your dreams are a gift. So the moon will move into Pisces today, the same sign our Sun is in - thus preparing for the New Moon, a new lunar cycle, tomorrow.
Thor's Day - Jupiter Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight, and Expansion... there are minor magickal energies to do a rite/spell to eliminate obstacles to wealth, power and frame. Just by believing in yourself and working toward creating abundance, health and prosperity, you have already begun to transform your outlook on life. Put your game face on: think positively. Call on the gods and goddess of Thursday (Thor, Juno, Jupiter and Zeus) and bring some positive change, abundance, health, and prosperity into your life.
My Events: Goddesses, Women of Power, Witchraft
8 hours ago
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