"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
27th Day of the 9th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Coll/Hazel
20th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Coll/Hazel
27th Day of the Cycle of Lughnasadh -
Days of Lugh
Moon phase: Balsamic - 1:44PM EDST
Moon rises: 2:38AM EDST
Moon sets: 5:38PM EDST
Moon in Cardinal Water
Sign of Cancer until 10:29PM EDST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The companionship
of animals.
Sun in Virgo
Sunrise: 6:40AM EDST
Sunset: 8:05PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
excites your soul?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Quarter
of the Year
August 25th, 2011
Balsamic Moon - The Balsamic Moon (or waning crescent moon) rises before dawn and sets in late afternoon. She is the last sliver of Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very early morning. The Balsamic Moon is the COMPOST phase of a lunar cycle, when the nutrients remain in the soil, providing nourishment for the next new seed. This the end of one cycle and beginning of another. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, release, transformation, renewal and purity. It is the phase in a cycle when you must let go of everything you have been working on that does not deal with the current cycle issues. During this phase you reflect on the passing cycle and prepare for the new one coming up. Trust in renewal. It is important to separate from others now so that you can clear the intellect of negativity. LET GO. Become still and meditate. Those born during a Balsamic moon phase possess the potential to be wise, insightful, understanding and patient. They are prophetic and unique.
Thor's Day - Jupiter Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight, and Expansion......
Tomorrow Mercury Retrograde ends at 6:02PM EDST and the moon will enter the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo at 12:09PM EDST.
Craft: Comfort or Izzy Dolls & Poppet-Making
3 days ago
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