"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
2nd Day of the 7th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle of Duir/Oak
11th Day of the Celt6ic Tree
Month of Duir/Oak
Moon Phase: waxing New Moon
Moon rises: 6:49AM EDST
Moon sets: 9:39PM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Water
Sign of Cancer
Blodeuwedd's C ycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The messages
of your body
Sun enters Cancer at 7:09PM EDST
Sunrise: 5:50AM EDST
Sunset: 8:53PM EDST
Length of Day: 15 hours; 4 minutes
Solar Question for the Day: "Are
you respecting or abusing trust?"
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Quarter
of the Year
June 20th, 2012
Summer Solstice - Summer Solstice marks the peak of the solar cycle. In the
midst of the longest day of the year, we simultaneously begin our return to the
dark half of the year. Summer Solstice is active: it's about about doing and
expanding , living the dream envisioned in the dreamtime of Winter. The Earth
is fertile, and the womb of the Earth Mother grows ripe with life.
In the mythic cycle of the Goddess, the Maiden Goddess experiences the
joy of union with Her creative, sexual, sensual Self and begins to manifest Her
creations. Thus, this holiday begins the Maiden Goddess's transition to the
cycle of the Mother Goddess as Maker/Creatrix.
Honor and celebrate the many ways you manifest the creativity in your life.
Regardless of whether a woman physically gives birth, she becomes 'Mother'
when she nurtures, sustains, and protects life, human or other species, through
her life's work and activism. Where is your passionate energy focused in your
life? How do you feed your creative fire? How are you a 'Mother/Maker/Creatrix'?
How do you nurture, sustain and protect your creations?
Question: Why isn’t the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, also the hottest day of the year?
Answer: Earth’s atmosphere, land, and oceans absorb part of the incoming energy from the Sun and store it, releasing it back as heat at various rates. Water is slower to heat (or cool) than air or land. At the summer solstice, the Northern Hemisphere receives the most energy (highest intensity) from the Sun due to the angle of sunlight and day length. However, the land and oceans are still relatively cool, due to spring’s temperatures, so the maximum heating effect on air temperature is not felt just yet. Eventually, the land and, especially, oceans will release stored heat from the summer solstice back into the atmosphere. This usually results in the year’s hottest temperatures appearing in late July, August, or later, depending on latitude and other factors. This effect is called seasonal temperature lag.
My Witchcraft Events: Divination and Magical Dolls
13 hours ago
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