"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
Nameless Day
Ruled by Morrigan
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon rises: 11:27AM EST
Moon sets: 10:58PM EST
Moon in the Mutable Water Sign of Pisces
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The potency of dreams enacted.
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:40AM EST
Sunset: 4:57PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What is the source of your deepest refreshment?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter of the Year
December 23rd., 2009
The last day of the calendar, December 23rd, is known as The Nameless Day which is represented by the Mistletoe and symbolized by the black pearl. "Nameless Day". This day falls outside the lunar calendar and represents the unshaped potential of all things-similar to the Fool card of Tarot and the blank stone that has been added to modern rune systems.
Here are couple of views of The Nameless Day:
Winter Solstice/Yule occurs a few days before Christmas. It is the longest night of the year, and Pagans celebrate the return of the sun/longer days coming. The Holly King (representing winter/darkness) and the Oak King (representing summer/light) have a battle, and the Oak King wins, representing that the days are getting lighter. (In the southern hemisphere they are celebrating Summer Solstice/Midsummer, and the Holly King wins the semiannual battle).
Winter Solstice is also called the Nameless Day in the Druidic/Celtic calendar because it is considered the day between the old year and the new year. The day is represented by the Elder Tree and mistletoe. (If you have ever heard the term "a year and a day" - this is where it comes from, as the Nameless Day is the "and a day" part of the expression).
The day after the winter solstice is the extra day of the year in the expression ‘a year and a day,’ added to the lunar year to make it come even with the solar. It lies outside the tree-months, and is associated with the mistletoe or all-heal (Ychelwydd), but that is not its name. It has no name because it is a time set apart, and because the newly reborn witch, like the Sun God, has no name as yet. Her name, like that of the newly reborn Oak King, will be assigned on Modranacht, the Night of the Mothers (i.e., the fates), which the Christians appropriated as Christmas Eve. For one’s name in a pagan sense is the expression or embodiment of one’s destiny, and on Modranacht the destiny of the reborn Oak King is foretold, and the witch scries her own destiny for the year to come through divination.This Nameless Day after Yule is the most sacred 36 day in the year for Celtic witches, and if possible, it should be spent quietly in solitary meditation, so the witch can experience in her own person the mystery of rebirth. This is the secret referred to in the Song of Amergin tag for this day, which runs “Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn dolmen?” For dolmens marked the womb-like graves of heroes, and as yet there is no name carved there.Now we have come full circle around the Wheel of the Year, and we see the journey differently than when we started. As the Wheel turns, may our understanding continue to change and grow, and may it always be so!
From Jane Gifford's "The Wisdom of the Trees" comes this view:
Appeasing the Dark Queen.......
One day remains completely unaccounted for in the Celtic Calendar, December 23rd, known as the Namless Day." This is the extra day that features in so any folk tales where the story takes place over a year and a day. On this day, when the King of the Waning Year was dead and the new King of the Waxing Year was not yet born, it was the custom to fast to appease the goddess in her darkest aspect so that she would permit the sun to return to the world and the cycle of the year to recommence. The darkest of days has neither tree nor name and is sacred to Morrigan, goddess of death and destruction. Her name means Great Queen in Irish. She appears in Arthurian legend as Morgan le Faye, sister of King Arthur: 'le Faye' means 'the Fate'. This dark queen took the form of a raven and was feared and respected by everyone.
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1 comment:
“Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn dolmen?” ; The greatest craftsman makes the fewest cuts ⛤
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