"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
28th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Fearn/Alder
25th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Fearn/Alder
Moon Phase: waning Balsamic moon
Moon rises: 5:08AM EDST
Moon sets: 5:25PM EDST
Moon in the Mutable Water Sign
of Pisces
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: A tree of your choice
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:48AM EDST
Sunset: 7:55PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Is complaceney
clogging up your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter of the Year
April 11th, 2010
Balsamic Moon phase - Yesterday the moon entered its Balsamic phase for this lunar cycle at 8:59AM EDST. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, release, transformation, renewal, purity. This is the point in a lunar cycle where you must let go of everything you've been working on that doesn't deal with current cycle issues. During this phase you reflect on the passing cycle, and prepare for the new. Trust in renewal. It is important to separate from others now so that you can clear the intellect of negativity. LET GO Become still and meditate.
Some people believe that the dark moon time should be a time for rest, and when no magick should be performed. But actually this can be a time when there is a balance point of inner sight and explorations. This natural balance can be disrupted if you allow it to slip through your fingers. All things in witchcraft, the universe and on earth, including people, seek to find their equal opposite point in order to create balance. If you consider the universe, there is balance between light and dark, day and night, sun and moon, yin and yang, east and west, north and south, above and below and inward and outward.
So too does our shadow self and our conscious self seek to find balance within each other and thereby can help us to feel whole.
Witches seek to balance the elements in their circles and spells and are fond of saying 'out with the old, and in with the new' or 'as within, so it is throughout.' These are statements of balance and acceptance. They acknowledge that one thing must be done in order to achieve the other, and also that all these things are connected. By exploring and understanding what no longer serves you, you can release it (action) and bring in new fulfilling energies (reaction). In this way you are rebalancing yourself on your mental, energetic, and spiritual levels. So with the Dark Moon you perform releasing actions and at the New Moon time you react by bringing in new fulfilling energy.
Until recently the Dark Moon phase was a phase that was ignored and allowed to pass without being honored or acknowledged. It was viewed as a time of rest and reflection (which it can be to some extent); a time void of magick and steeped in mystery; and time for inner sight and divination. While some witches and pagans practice at the dark moon and others don't there are more and more witches who are trying understand what it means and where it fits in daily practice. They felt the dark moon had to be good for than just hanging around, waiting for the next full moon. It can be so magnetic and full of magick like a full moon. Remember, look at it as the balancing point to the full moon.
The goddess of this moon phase and right up through the Dark Moon itself is Hecate - she is a goddess of death and the forces of regeneration and rebirth. In Greek religion she was portrayed as triple headed, showing her rulership over birth, death and growth. She has links with dogs, the serpent, horses, pigs, frogs and the lion, and is accompanied by hounds. Hecate is considered as being a chthonic goddess and chthonic is commonly defined as being dark, primitive and mysterious - as being of the earth or under the earth. This can be appropriate for being associated with the Dark Moon phase. The willow trees are sacred to her, as well as cypress and yew. The yew is a tree of regeneration that grows afresh from its own dying trunk and also cypress and yew both grow in graveyards. You can place offerings of dark honey, dried figs, grain, and pomegranates on your altar that you create to honor Hecate. Perhaps using a wand from willow wood is appropriate for a Hecate rite.
Book Review: Hestia, Goddess of Hearth & Home
19 hours ago
Hekate is my Matron Goddess. I celebrate the beauty of her dark nights with dark warm wine or a quite dance, which usually ends with pomegranate tea.
Thanks for sharing this info ;-)
And thank you for sharing with us your honoring Hecate. I like using the word 'matron' goddess for those goddesses we align with.
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