"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
16th Day of the 5th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Sallie/Willow
15th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Saille/Willow
Moon Phase: waning Full Moon
Moon sets: 6:37AM EDST
Moon rises: 10:06PM EDST
Moon in Scorpio v/c 8:39PM DST
Moon enters the Mutable Fire Sign
of Sagittarius at 10:36PM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The gift of grace.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:21AM EDST
Sunset: 8:14PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Which
of your abilities are you neglecting?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter of the Year
April 29th, 2010
Beltaine - A Season of Faeries - The tides of this sabbat are har4nessed by the witch for energy, new ideas, and empowered sexuality. Like Samhain, its opposite on the Wheel of Life, Beltaine is full of mischief-making influences, both elemental and through those just beyond our vision behind the Veil. This is night when the Gates to Faery swing open, and mankind is able to cross over. It is full of the pulsing energy of the natural world yearning towards its fulfillment in summer, and full of the vigor of the wild hunt. Beltaine is primarily a fire and fertility festival. The lighting of the Beltaine fires, usually atop hills, served the purpose of purifying and fructifying - cattle, crops, and communities. This is a major cross-quarter day that lasts from sunset on April 30th to sunset on May 2nd.
And speaking of Faeries .......
It is only in recent times that faeries have been visualized as cute, winsome figures. Prior to the 19th century they were consider to be complex and frequently mischievous creatures. They were thought to steal good children and replace them with naughty ones, and abduct unwary travelers who fell asleep in the wrong place. If slighted they would sour milk and prevent butter from being churned. They could cause food to spoil and prevent bread from rising. Of course if they were kindly disposed to you and treated with respect they would bring good luck and fortune.
Faeries are believed to be encouraged to look kindly on people who grow certain plants: Ash, Bluebells, Red Carnations, Clover, Cowslips, Elder, Hawthorn, Hollyhocks, Lilac, Lobelia, Oak, Pansies, Blue and Red Primroses, Roses and Shamrock. They are said to live in Foxgloves and straw. Faeries are thought to gather at midsummer wherever Oak, Ash and Hawthorn grow together. At dawn or dusk sit quietly amongst these plants while wearing Thyme and you should be able to see Faeries. Alternatively, place 7 grains of Wheat onto a four-leafed Clover as an offering, and Faeries will come. Faeries are also thought to dance in Fairy rings, circles of mushrooms which are found in some fields.
If, however, you feel you need to defend your home from the attentions of Faeries then plant Dill, Morning Glory, Gore, and Rosemary. To protect children from being stolen by the Faeries tie Peonies around their neck. Otherwise, carve beads from Peony root and string these together as a necklace which will guard against all kinds of spirits.
[Excerpts from "The Witch's Guide to LIfe" by Kala Trobe, "The Real Witches' Year" by Kate West and "Natural Magick" by Cassandra Eason]
Book Review: Hestia, Goddess of Hearth & Home
20 hours ago
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