Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Gibbous Moon in Gemini

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

12th Day of the 2nd Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hera
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Luis/Rowan
6th Day of the Celtic Tree Cycle ~ Luis/Rowan
Moon Phase: Gibbous - 7:43PM EST
Moon sets: 4:17AM EST
Moon rises: 1:29PM EST
Moon in the Mutable Air Sign
of Gemini
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The ancestral
memories of your body.
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 7:34AM EST
Sunset: 5:29PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What would
give your loved ones most pleasure?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter of the Year
January 26th, 2010

     The Gibbous phase of the moon is reached this evening - we are approaching the Full Moon for this lunar cycle.  The keywords for the Gibbous phase are: analyze, p0repare, trust. It is the time in a lunar cycle to process the results of the actions taken during the First Quarter.  During this phase you are gathering information. Give up making judgments, it will only lead to worry. Your knowledge is incomplete. Laugh. Analyze and filter. LOOK WITHIN.

Making Offerings

   It is well understood that we should make offerings to the Goddess and the Land, however there are good and not-so-good ways of doing this.  Most of us feel unhappy, if not actually angry, when we see litter in our parks, roads, and countryside. But I also feel a great deal of sadness when I visit an ancient monument, or even a woodland area, and find evidence of previous vistors. This is not just confined to empty cans, packets and discarded cigarette ends, it also includes empty tealight candle holders, wax, ribbons, and other non-biodegradable items. Ours is a nature-based belief system and it is up to every one of us to ensure that not only our daily lives but also our magickal ones are in harmony with the Land.
   So what can we offer? Small gifts of things which will benefit the animals, birds, and other life such as seeds, grains, and fruit are prefectly acceptable. Drinks poured onto the ground are also acceptable in small quantities. For example, a little alcohol can represent an offering of value. Other unobtrusive but natural gifts can include plaits of grasses or even a few hairs tied together. In such cases it is the amount of effort which is put in which counts, not the size of the offering. If it can be easily seen from a couple paces away then it is almost certainly too much. Remember that if every vistor to a popular site did as you do, would there be a mountain of offerings left to spoil the place for others.
"Leave nothing but footprints,
take nothing but memories."
The Countryside Code
[From: Kate West's "The Real Witches' Year"]

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