Friday, January 22, 2010

Waxing Crescent enters Taurus - predicting weather

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

8th Day of the 2nd Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Luis/Rowan
2nd Day of the Celtic Tree Cycle ~ Luis/Rowan
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon sets: 12:15AM EST
Moon rises: 10:42AM EST
Moon in Aries v/c 2:46PM EST
Moon enters the Fixed Earth Sign of Taurus at 11:39PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The potency of dreams enacted.
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 7:37AM EST
Sunset: 5:25PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What do you need to
learn in order to be more confident?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter of the Year
January 22nd, 2010

    It's Freya's Day - with Major magickal energies for doing spells/rites for Arts and Crafts projects.
These energies will be present up until the moon goes void of course at 2:46PM this afternoon. 

    Weather Prediction

   Anyone who has listened to a weather forecast will know that modern science serves no more accurate than the techniques of our forebears, especially if you require something a bit more local than the regional forecast. 
    The saying, "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning." is self-explanatory. But there are many other traditions of weather prediction of which these are just a few: A Cock crowing at bedtime forecasts rain, while one crowing during the rain predicts good weather. A Robin sitting in a hedge means it will soon rain. Seaweed hung outside  the door will be limp when the weather is to be cold and wet, but if it curls up the weather will be dry.
     To whistle at sea would be to summon up the wind, and another one is to never whistle in the morning as this would bring rain that day. And another one still, is that whenever a person's nose becomes cold then rain will follow within the hour.  Cold feet (when sensibly wrapped) advise of a cold night, whereas unusually hot feet predict warmer days. If it rains on St Swithin's day (July 15th) the weather will be wet for 40 days and nights. A mild January will precede poor Spring weather, whereas a cool July brings a hot August. Cats and children become more boisterous than usual before strong winds, and when a cat sleeps with her face under her forepaws then the temperature is sure to drop.
[From: "The Real Witches' Year" by Kate West]

    This interview article is quite interesting....

The Connection Between Weather and Witch Hunts

Wednesday April 23, 2008 from:

Here's an interesting one to ponder. Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times (which is's parent company) takes a look at a California researcher who believes that harsher weather leads to more accusations of witchcraft in under-developed nations. Professor Edward Miguel of UC Berkeley says that in Tanzania, during years which the country has unusual rainfall, the number of elderly women accused of witchcraft tends to double. In other words, have a year with droughts or flooding, and your chances of being killed for being a witch increase dramatically.

As we face a global change in food supply thanks to climate shifts, Miguel says that it's likely that rural areas in third-world countries will see more and more women charged with witchcraft, and likely killed for it. University of Chicago economist Emily Oster studied European witchcraft trial records, and found that over the course of two centuries, years with harsher, colder weather saw an increase in the number of women charged with witchcraft. There's also a theory that the Salem witch trials were rooted in a loss of food supply compounded by an influx into Massachussetts of settlers who were escaping massacres in Maine (read Mary Norton's In the Devil's Snare for more on the socio-political aspects of the Salem hangings).

Recently, there has been a significant increase in publicized witchcraft accusations in places like Africa and India. What's really striking about this is that the majority of the women targeted in these "witch killing" attacks are not in fact witches, but simply women who angered someone else in their village. Once the mob mentality takes over, there's little they can do to defend themselves.

Storm Magick

"Rain, rain
Go away
Come again
Some other day."

   Humankind has attempted to control the weather for hundreds of years. As we have yet to gain any sort of control, storm magick proposes that we instead merge energies with the storm, and harness its natural power to bring about changes we desire.
    At any given moment, there are hundreds of storms covering the face of the Earth. Visualizing ourselves as part of the storm allows us to tap into its energy force. Certain colors can help attune the conscious mind to the storm. Gray, indigo, black and other 'rainy-colored' candles or clothing can help set the mood for merging energies. Avoid bright, sunny colors when using storm magick, as they tend to break up the cloud gatherings in the mind and impede forus.
    If the storm is local to you, you can make use of it in a more practical and immediate manner. For example, you can place special items outside so that they may soak up the furious energy. Likewise, you may wish to catch some of the storm water, as it is potent and electrically charged.
    Storm magick serves primary functions of cleansing and charging. storms include all four of the elements, depending on the type of storm and overall strength. In the Middle Ages, farmers believed that the crops would not yield fruit if there was not a thunderstorm at the beginning of the summer. When viewed in that manner, the thunderstorm was seen as nurturing.
    Magical jewelry that is cleansed and charged through the power of a storm can contain massive amounts of raw energy. Crystals and stones can also benefit in the same manner. If you happen to catch a thunderstorm on the night of a full moon, the power of whatever you charge will be incredible. It is recommended charging of all your tools if you are lucky enough to have this combination.
   There are some stones that you cannot charge under the power of a storm, as they are thought to work against storms. They are as follows:
  • Agate: Agate works against storms and lightning. 
  • Amethyst: This stone works against storms. 
  • Beryl: Beryl calls rain ut banishes storms. 
  •  Coral: Native Americans believe that coral halts foul weather.
  • Garnet:Garnet works against lightning.
  • Malachite: Malachite works against lightning.
  • Ruby: Ruby works against storms in general, and is also said to work against floods.
One particular good stone for storm magick is the black opal. Alternatively, you may choose to visualize yourself as merging with the storm. Quietly churning, you absorb the transforming energy from the electrically charged clouds. You feel the winds and water dance against you, and as your pores open to receive the cleansing energy, you get a sudden surge of power. You have just harnessed the raw power of a storm. Channel it into whatever magical goal you have set for yourself at this time.
     Other than cleansing, charging, and harnessing energy, what else can you do with Mother Nature's powerful dance? Storms are wonderful for banishing, honoring the divine, honoring yourself, regenerating the self, justice magick, and spells for success.
     Water that falls from a storm is great for bathing tools, consecrating objects, asperging an area or the self, or to use in any water-based magical formula, such as potions and elixirs. You may, of course, drink the water to consume the power of the storm. But if you live in a polluted area, it might be best to avoid drinking it and instead use it for anointing purposes.

     A thunderstorm is an ideal time for a devotional ritual or a simple prayer rite. It is also the perfect time to work for a transformation. Create a special altar with gray, indigo, and black candles, and use similar colors for the altar cloth. Place smoky-quartz chunks or geodes around the candles. If you have a nmirror or reflective surface, place that underneath the candles for a lightning type of effect. Burn a rain-scented incense. Sit quietly for a few moments, attuning yourself to the storm. Chant:
"The wind and water dance
The fire flashes flame
I am united with the storm
Upon the earthbound plane."

   Once you feel connected, talk to Goddess (and God if you feel like it). Tell them what you want to gain in life and what you hope to overcome. This is the perfect time to work for manifesting a change within yourself, so go deep into your thoughts and troubles. Spill it all. Think of it as therapy and let loose your inner storm.
   After a thunderstorm, the world is infused with a powerful magickal energy that is peaceful and refreshed. Draw this strength into yourself by collecting natural objects that the storm may have scattered. Leaves, acorns, and the like retain the boost of special storm energy and can add punch to your magickal spells. Likewise, if you grow your own herbs for spell work, you may want to consider a small harvest at this time.

Stormy Success

   Prepare your storm altar with gray, indigo, and black candles. Place a single gold candle in the center of the altar. Burn a rain-scented incense. Meditate and call up the vision of the storm in your mind. Merge your mind to it and absorb the energy. Channel the energy into the gold candle with the intent of success. Say:
"With the strength of the storm and the sun
Today I see my will be done
As lightning flickers, as the winds sing
I call to myself success in all things
So mote it be!"

[Excerpts from "Elemental Witch" by Tammy Sullivan]

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