"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
21st Day of the 9th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hestia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Coll/Hazel
25th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Coll/Hazel
Moon Phase: Disseminating Moon
Moon sets: 11:32AM EDST
Moon rises: 9:52PM EDST
Moon in Aries v/c 4:47AM EDST
Moon enters the Fixed Earth
Sign of Taurus at 10:35AM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditaton: The restoration
of sleep.
Sun in Virgo
Sunrise: 6:43AM EDST
Sunset: 7:58PM EDST
Solar Question For the Day: "What unacknowledged needs
are eating holes in you?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Quarter
of the Year
August 29th, 2010
Moon in Taurus - ask us to discover what nurtures us and how to grow deeper roots. We can almost feel the mud oozing between our toes, awakening our senses and sensuality and growing out stubbornness. It is time to cultivate our material resources, our homes and our body. The forceful movement of Aries becomes solid, calm and patient during Taurus. This lunar transit concerns money, work, property, the body, home and family, sensuality, building cautiously and slowly, being conscientious, sensitivity, planting and emotional patterns based on security. There is a desire to protect material goods and a strong need for financial security. Taurus gives attention to order and detail. Emotionally there is stubbornness, but great sensitivity to others. This sensual sign is a good time to appreciate the wonders of the beautiful earth. As your landscape moves deeper into the Fall season, take a walk or drive to views the harvesting in process, to take note of the changes in plants, the feeling in the air and different slant to the sun's rays across the landscape. Moon in Taurus is the best time to work magick for love, real estate, material acquisitions, and money. Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck, and ears are also done during this period of time. Do some healing chakra work and concentrate on the throat chakra in particular.
Today is Sun Day - the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal.... there are Major magickal energies about doing rites for Investments after the Moon enters Taurus.
Five Years after Katrina
As I am sure many of you have heard that today marks five years since the devastating storm Katrina
hit New Orleans. There are many stories and pictures online about what to a lot of the people who went through the horrible events afterwards and pictures of how areas (particularly the Ninth Ward)
looked right afterwards and how they look today.
But I have noticed there are no stories about suffering of the pets who people were forced to leave behind or had disappeared during the storm... I search and found a few sites where people have posted information on their beloved pets and are still seeking information on them. I know, this heartbreaking to read and see but there is no reason to ignore the plights of the owners and their missing pets. Here are some links to pets who were found either dead or alive.....
Because of this happening there has been finally laws and such past to make sure these tragic events don't occur again...
Recommend Evacuation of pets a priority after Katrinats
By MARY FOSTER Associated Press Writer © 2010 The Associated Press
Aug. 24, 2010, 3:36PM
NEW ORLEANS — The moment cut sharply through the chaos, suffering and fear of Hurricane Katrina — a small boy sobbed hysterically as he was separated from his dog Snowball while departing the wretched Louisiana Superdome.
Snowball was one of thousands of pets split up from their owners after the storm struck Aug. 29, 2005, and the story triggered an outpouring of help to save stranded animals and reunite them with their families.
The heart-wrenching tale also spawned new state and federal laws allowing evacuees to take their pets with them.
"For the first time, there was the realization of the strength of the human-animal bond," said Ana Zorrilla, CEO of the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "That sparked incredible changes on state and federal levels requiring that pets be included in all evacuation plans."
Congress passed the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act in 2006, requiring plans for the evacuation of pets, as well as people.
The act was tested in 2008 during Hurricane Gustav, and it worked.
Crates for pets were placed at evacuation pickup points. Animals and their owners were banded with matching computer codes, and the animals were taken to the same locations as their owners, allowing them to spend time together.
But things didn't go as smoothly three years earlier as the dirty water rose in New Orleans streets. People were rescued, but countless times they had to leave their pets behind as helicopters plucked them from rooftops or boats drove them to safety.
Sandra Henry, 58, floated with her black lab, Tasha, to a rescue point where helicopters were ferrying victims to dry land. Along with an 87-year-old disabled woman and about a dozen relatives, Henry was rescued, but had to leave Tasha.
"I took Tasha home, crying all the way," Henry said. "I left all the food I had out and opened the doors and windows. Leaving her here was so hard, but what else could I do?"
It took almost two years for Henry and Tasha to be reunited. The dog had been adopted and living in Colorado.
"I thought about her every day," Henry said. "When she got home she knew me right away."
It wasn't long before the poignant pictures and stories of abandoned pets had volunteer animal rescuers joining the search for stranded people. Houses were spray-painted with information about bodies found and pets rescued.
The SPCA and 200 other organizations saved more than 8,000 pets after the hurricane. MuttShack, which was formed because of Katrina, rescued more than 3,000. SPCA supporters also donated more than $15 million to assist animal rescue efforts and to rebuild Gulf Coast shelters following Hurricane Katrina.
But some of the pets weren't so lucky.
Glenda Smith left her dogs, Max, a Jack Russell terrier, and Zack, a Chesapeake retriever, at home. Her neighbors were riding out the storm and were to take care of them, she said. Her dogs were rescued, but when she got to the facility where they were being held, only Zack was waiting.
"I can't believe after all this time it's still so painful," Smith said. "I just hope whoever has him loves him as much as I do."
Snowball was also lost.
He was taken from his family as they scrambled through a long line for a bus that would take them away from the heat, stench and misery of the Superdrome where thousands of those who couldn't make it out of the city were stranded. As the little boy wept and called his dog's name, his father swept him up in his arms and moved on in the line, unwilling to sacrifice a spot on the bus.
Occult London: Tarot Exhibition at Atlantis Bookshop
17 hours ago
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