"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
16th Day of the 9th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Coll/Hazel
20th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Coll/Hazel
Moon Phase: Full - 1:04PM EDST
Moon sets: 6:36AM EDST
Moon rises: 7:48PM EDST
Moon in Aquarius v/c 6:01AM EDST
Moon enters the Mutable Water Sign
of Pisces at 10:11AM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The alchemy of Autumn
Sun in Virgo
Sunrise: 6:39AM EDST
Sunset: 8:05PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Do you
abuse or respect obligations?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Quarter
of the Year
August 24th, 2010
Full Moon - Keywords for the Full Moon phase are: fulfilment, illumination, realization, and experience. It is the time in a lunar cycle that you given a clear view so that you can make adjustments to put you back on the track to manifesting the goals you set at the New Moon phase. Go to a public place. Do something with a friend. LISTEN. Receive awareness. Understand others. The Moon opens and blossoms during the Full Moon into the FLOWER, with the desire to share her beauty with others.
Moon in Pisces - During Moon in Pisces emotional life is more introverted. Intuition is at its height and psychic energy is powerful. You are now able to get in touch with your deepest self, but it can also be a time of vagueness, unclarity, and uncertainty. Pisces is about endings as a result of internal processing. During this moon transit you may notice a moodiness in others around you. A Full Moon in Pisces is a powerful psychic/spiritual moon and a great opportunity for oracles and divinations: reading tarot, interpreting astrology charts or throwing the I Ching or scrying (particularly water scrying). The psychic and spiritual forces are so strong that a Full Moon ritual will be sensitive and magickal. However, Pisces is an inner energy, so a solitary ritual will be most appropriate. There is an awareness and appreciation of beauty and art, as well as strong, heightened creativity. With intuition being at its peak, realization of life's lessons or truth sometimes are unveiled. During this moon transit it's easy to swim around and lose yourself in emotions now, or to escape in books or other entertainment of a fantastic nature.
Occult London: Tarot Exhibition at Atlantis Bookshop
16 hours ago
1 comment:
It is the time in a lunar cycle that you given a clear view so that you can make adjustments to put you back on the track to manifesting the goals you set at the New Moon phase. Go to a public place. Do something with a friend. LISTEN. Receive awareness.
Looks like my visitor, dear friend Josiette, and I are right on target! Will you be able to come for a read to find out what we've been up to? I'm just a "click" away: Cellar Door
Postcript: Thank you ~~and thank you, once more, for this "daily"!
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