"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
4th Day of the 13th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ruis/Elder
14th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ruis/Elder
4th Day of the Cycle of Graef -
Days of the Earth Dragon
Moon Phase: waxing New Moon
Moon rises: 9:56AM EST
Moon sets: 7:54PM EST
Moon in Capricorn v/c 8:07PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The wonder
of life
Sun in Sagittarius
Sunrise: 7:29AM EST
Sunset: 4:53PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: ""What
are you homesick for?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year.
December 8th, 2010
This is Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection - There are Major magickal energies today for spells/rites about Politics and Negotiations.
Rounding the Year: Spring Flowers & Blossom
19 hours ago
Thank you for doing this every day for all of us. It's quite wonderful to have the knowledge you provide at my fingertips.
I do wish it were posted earlier, but that's the only ointment on the fly. I love the photos, and all of the information; having the sunrise/sunset times is lovely as well.
And thank you once more for the exact time of phenomena; as I know the lat/long of my place of residence, I can easily subtract four hours and add eight minutes, and know precisely when to do Work, or when to delay it. Thanks so much!
Ah Vienne - so good to hear from someone who says they only wish that I would post this lunar information earlier. And indeed I strive more strongly now in trying to do this. Would it help if I posted a 'preview' of the next coming day? Now let me see - what is your place of residence regarding time zone wise. I have never taken the time to really figure out the different time zones this goes to. So glad to know that regardless I have been helping you in your Work...
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