Sunday, May 27, 2012

Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

8th Day of the 6th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Hauth/Hawthorn
15th Day of the Celtic Tree
month of Hauth/Hawthorn
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent Moon
Moon rises: 11:59AM EDST
Moon sets: 12:47AM EDST
Moon in the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The skills that you possess.
Sun in Gemini
Sunrise: 5:54AM EDST
Sunset: 8:40PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Are
you respecting or abusing rest and
recreation time?"
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Quarter
of the Year
May 27th, 2012

Moon in Leo:  The Moon in Leo illuminates our extroverted sides;
we brim with generosity but can get stuck in our own perspective.
Time to: shine, express, dramatize, celebrate, create, appreciate, stage,
reach out and be generous with our attention; watch assumptions and
do not push the stubborn. With the Moon in Leo we have the guts to
be visible and bring culture to life. In your garden or life, arrange, glorify,
and weed the extraneous so your star can shine, but don't plant or
fertilize. Dramatic happenings, especially concerning emotions, being the
center of attention, exuberance, vitality and working with patriarchal issues
are all hallmarks of the Leo Moon. It's high drama with a Leo Moon transit
as she steps out onto the stage to entertain us once again. You may feel like
acting out the drama queen part of yourself or just be romantic. This is a time
of vital energy, affection and romance and a Leo extravaganza. It's hard to
recognize limits in a Leo Moon transit. It's also time for power issues to
erupt. Who will be the center of attention? Ambition and independent leadership
are important issues. Leo has great pride which is evident now. You will want
to spend money during Moon  in  Leo.  Moon in Leo is the best time to work
magick involving authority, power over others, courage, fertility or childbirth.
Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine or heart are also done during
this period of time. As the moon moves to Virgo, the ambitious energy of Leo
becomes unassuming and this happen late tonight. The Moon enters Virgo at
2:06AM EDST tomorrow morning. One born under a Leo Moon can fill a room
with personality and make the most of any situation, but may need to learn to honor
the quiet, the mundane or another's reality.

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