"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
13th Day of the 7th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle ~ Duir/Oak
13th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Duir/Oak
Moon Phase: Gibbous
Moon sets: 3:59AM EDST
Moon rises: 7:40PM EDST
Moon in the Mutable Fire Sign
of Sagittarius
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The rhythms and cycles
of the moon in your life.
Sun in Cancer
Sunrise: 5:50AM EDST
Sunset; 8:53PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "In which
areas of your life are you self-important?"
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Quarter of the Year
June 24th, 2010
Moon in Sagittarius - this restless, enthusiastic transit brings us feelings of wanting adventure, change and motion. The moon in this sign is a time for philosophy, metaphysics, travelling, studying and freedom from responsibility. There are feelings of needing to feel free of restrictions and to be spontaneous. This restless and independent nature wishes to explore and the warm and friendly vibes make it a good time for seeing new places, encountering different people and relating to a changing environment. Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, legal matters, travel, and truth. Healing rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips are also done best at this time.
There are Major magickal energies for rites/spells regarding Travel today. Thor's Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight and Expansion is going to compliment the energies of Moon in Sagittarius. Get out there and do something different!
Thor is another Scandinavian or Norse God. The son of Odin, and second only to him, his mother was giantess Fjorgynn, Jord or Hlodyn. Thor was seen as red-breaded and immensely strong. He epitomized bravery, strength and endurance, but also boasting and brutality. He was depicted as riding a chariot drawn by goats, wearing iron gauntlets, a belt of power called Megingjardir and carrying a magic hammer called Mjolnir or Destroyer. Thor was the God of sailors, farmers, and the lower classes, unlike his father who was God of Kings and warriors. He made his home in a mansion called Bilskinir. It is probably his appeal to the working classes which enabled his survival well into the onset of Christianity. Thor was sometimes depicted as a blacksmith and his day, Thursdays, was considered the best for funerals, marriages, and other contracts. This is still celebrated in the term 'married on the hammer', or 'married over the anvil', a tradition which still survives at Gretna Green, Scotland.
Thor's Hammer was traditionally said to break the ice of winter each year and was also thought to be the source of thunder in storms. Indeed he is close to the northern European thunder God Donar. One of the tales is of Mjolnir being stolen by the giant Thrym. Loki disguises Thor as Freya in order to trick Thrym into giving 'her' the Hammer as a wedding present. At this point Thor throws off his disguise and defeats the giant. Shaped like the "T", Thor's Hammer is often worn as a symbol for today's followers of the Northern traditions.
[From: "The Real Witches' Year" by Kate Wet]
Green London: The Japanese Gardens in Holland Park
17 hours ago
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