"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
26th Day of the 11th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Gort/Ivy
7th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ngetal/Reed
28th Day of the Cycle of Phasma
Pariscus - Days of Ancient Spirits
Moon Phase: Balsamic
Moon rises: 4:49AM EDST
Moon sets: 4:29PM EDST
Moon enters the Cardinal
Air Sign of Libra at 1:19AM EDST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The non-
existence of time.
Sun in Scorpio
Sunrise: 7:51AM EDST
Sunset: 6:15PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What do you
most hope for?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
November 3rd., 2010
Moon in Libra - This transit concerns cooperation, harmony, focus on relationships, and fine artistic pursuits. When the Moon is in Libra you might enjoy attending an art gallery opening, the opera or taking your partner to dinner. All partnership activity will be heightened during this moon transit.
But those of us who are not in relationship may crave a partnership or feel alone and lonely. Be aware of superficial bonding just to ease the pain aloneness. Libra highlights the magic of the dance of interrelatedness - friendly, romantic, and searching for a way to connect. Libra asks us to treat those around us as equals and make sure our politics and art, our lovemaking and our networks integrate. Those who born with a Libra Moon sign came here to feel the beauty in cooperation. They may need to learn to hear their own voice under conflict. They offer us bone-deep kindness, mediation and justice.
Moon in Libra is the best time to work magick involving artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic, spiritual or emotional balance. Healing rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time.
This is Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection. There are minor magickal energies for doing rites to defend against psychic attack and to work in your Book of Shadows. With the influence of a Libra Moon transit making connections and communication should be flowing smoothly.
Wormwood is one of the members of the Artemisia family. It is best-known as the key ingredient in Absinth, a drink which can be used to cause blindness because it was frequently made with impure alcohol and often colored with copper. Modern Absinths do not suffer from these problems. A highly bitter herb, it was favored for strewing on the floor to prevent fleas and other insects from infesting the home. Indeed, a collar soaked in an infusion of Wormwood will deter fleas from dogs and cats. Wormwood tea was used to dispel melancholy and to remove the yellow tinge of jaundice. It used to be thought that the herb encouraged the digestive system and cleared the mind. Traditionally, it was thought to counteract the effects of poison, although that may be due to its emetic properties. A sprig of Wormwood used to be worn to protect against Witchcraft.
Magically Wormwood is used in spells for love, protection and to enhance psychic powers and call spirits. To enhance your psychic skills place a spring under your pillow and burn the herb when performing acts of divination. A teaspoonful of Absinth placed under the tongue will also enhance divination. Burn it with Sandalwood to induce others to communicate with you. Give the whole plant to your loved one to consolidate the bond between you. Place a sprig of Wormwood in the car to help prevent accidents. Place it on the Altar when working spells for love and relationships.
Wasted Food
Reconsider the practice of taking leftover food home from your eating out experience. This practice has become gradually become much more mainstream over the past 15 years. In the early 1990s, comedian Jerry Seinfield had a bit that referenced the embarrassment of having to ask for a doggie bag. But regardless, taking leftovers is now the norn. While this shift may have been gradual, it has certainly arrive. Between the portion sizes having gone past large into obscene, and with the economy as it is, people don't have any qualms about taking things home. Some people look at it as: "I paid for it, I'm taking it." So don't leave food on your plate(s) when eating out. Take it home and use it for your or someone else's lunch the next day.
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