"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
7th Day of the 12th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ngetal/Reed
16th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ngetal/Reed
8th Day of the Cycle of Shamas
- Days of the Witch Gods
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent Moon
Moon rises: 12:31PM EST
Moon sets: 11:11PM EST
Moon in the Fixed Air Sign
of Aquarius
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: "The courage
to fail and try again.
Sun in Scorpio
Sunrise: 7:02AM EST
Sunset: 5:06PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "Where
is the wool being pulled over
your eyes?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
November 12th, 2010
Freya's Day - Venus Day - Day of Sharing and Relationships. There is Major magickal energies for
spells/rites dealing with Popularity.
Some Correspondences for Freya's Day are: Its planetary influence is Venus; its deities are - Eros, Aphrodite/Venus. Freya/Frigga - its Flowers and Plants are rose, feverfew, violet, wild strawberry, apple tree, lady's bedstraw. Its metal is copper. The colors for Freya's Day are pink and aqua green.
The Crystals and Stones are rose quartz, amber, coral, and emerald. Freya's Day essential oils are apple, freesia, geranium, hyacinth, lilac, rose geranium, vanilla, violet leaf, ylang-ylang. Tarot cards for Freya's Day are The Lovers, Two of Cups and the Empress. And the Foods, Herbs & Spices for Freya's Day are: apple, strawberries, and raspberries.
[From "The Book of Witchery" by Ellen Dugan]
So what is Lady's Bedstraw?? Well, Ms Dugan has this to say about this plant in her "Book of Witchery - This particular variety of perennial is from the sweet woodruff (Galium) family. Lady's Bedstraw (Galium verum) bears clusters of sweet-scented, yellow flowers. Folk names include Frigg's grass, bedstraw, and fragrant bedstraw. This particular flowering herb is sacred to the Norse goddess Frigga. This plant is also associated with the planet Venus and the element of water, and it carries feminine energies. Once, the fresh leaves were added to punches and wines for flavor as well as to fruit. The dried 'new-mown hay'-scented leaves were added to potpourri as a fixative, meaning that it helped the other dried plant materials hold their own scents. Also, the dried leaves of the bedstraw were used to discourage insects and to perfume linens. In medieval times, this herb was stuffed into pallets (mattresses) as it smelled fresh and discouraged fleas. The rhizonnes of the plants in the Gallium family all produce a red dye, while the flowers produce a yellow dye that is actually used to color cheeses. According to Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Bedstraw also has the Folk Names of Cleavers and Madder's Cousin. It's magickal use is it is worn or carried to attract love.
Here is a good article and it gives us further information and uses of this herb:
Irish name - Ru Mhuire
Madder, bedstraw or coffee family - Rubiaceae
Lady’s Bedstraw is a well-known native wildflower of grasslands. Its fine leaves and attractive yellow, honey-scented flowers make it an ideal for a hint of colour in your garden. It is a perennial plant and is frequently found in dry banks, grasslands and sand dunes around the coast as well as in waste grounds and roadside verges. It can grow in most types of soil, but prefers it to be well drained.
Lady’s Bedstraw will grow well in your summer meadow. It flowers generally in July and August and the seeds ripen from August to September.
Its common name probably derives from a Christian legend that claims it was part of the bedding used in the manger in which Jesus lay. The plant has been used as stuffing in pillows and mattresses, particularly for women about to give birth, as it was believed to ensure a safe and easy childbirth. This belief is probably based in the properties of the plant, as its coumarin scent is said to repel insects and fleas. It has also been used to combat sleeplessness.
Among the other common names used for the plant is Maid’s Hair. The yellow dye that can be obtained from the stems, leaves and flowering tips has been used as a hair dye. Although it has never been widely cultivated for this purpose, a red dye can also be produced from the roots and has been used for dyeing wool and other fabrics in places like the Western Isles.
Lady’s Bedstraw is sometimes referred to as Cheese Rennet or Cheese Renning. This name corresponds to the common use of the plant as a milk curdler. The plant contains an enzyme suitable for this purpose. The latin name Gallium derives from the Greek ‘gala‘ that means milk. What makes this plant especially useful in cheese production is that as well as curdling milk, it also colours the cheese a bright yellow.
This species has also been known to have many medicinal uses. A decoction of the plant has been used as a remedy for urinary diseases and for its diuretic and blood-purifying properties. This decoction is also good as an addition to hot water to soothe the feet of a weary traveller. In Europe, people have placed a piece of the plant in their shoes for protection against blisters. Treatment for skin complaints is another common use of this plant. The plant has also been highly esteemed as a remedy to stop internal bleeding and nosebleeds. In some countries it is also considered to have a positive effect for those suffering from epilepsy and hysteria. As always, we recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified herbalist before trying any of these herbal remedies.
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