"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."
8th Day of the 12th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Ngetal/Reed
17th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Ngetal/Reed
9th Day of the Cycle of Shamas
- Days of the Witch Gods
Moon Phase: First Quarter - 11:38AM EST
Moon rises: 12:58PM EST
Moon sets: 11:45PM EST
Moon in the Fixed Air Sign
of Aquarius
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The potency
of dreams enacted.
Sun in Scorpio
Sunrise: 7:03AM EST
Sunset: 5:05PM EST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
is the source of your inspiration?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Year
November 13th, 2010
First Quarter Moon - (or waxing half moon) rises around noon and sets around midnight. Astrologically, the Moon is square to the Sun. She is visible from the time she rises until she sets. The First Quarter Moon is the GROWTH phase. Roots go deeper, stems shoot up and leaves form as she creates a new strong body. Those who born in the First Quarter phase live a full active life - old structures are cleared away providing room for new development. Keywords for the First Quarter phase are: action, expression, growth, and breaking away. It is the time in a lunar cycle to take the initial action(s) necessary to achieve your goals by expressing your needs and desires. FEEL & MOVE.
Make phone calls. Write letters. Dance. Act now.
The first quarter is a time of balance, dynamic balance in fact, but it is fleeting. Once the dark half of the moon begins to fill out, the moment will have passed and energies will quicken again, picking up tension and momentum as the full moon approaches. The first quarter is a very good time to infuse extra power into the magickal projects begun at the new moon. If extra effort can be directed toward this purpose, than a satisfactory result is even more likely. The other factor that may reveal itself is that of the workability of some of our goals. A quiet turning in of focus, maybe while infusing power into a spell in progress, may nudge us into altering something ... there may simple be a gut feeling that the emphasis needs to shift slightly for a project to be really effective. Similarly, a solution might suddenly present itself for an ongoing problem, or we may all of a sudden realize what is causing friction between ourselves and a partner, friend or relative. There may be conflict beneath the outward signs of harmony right now that could be released and resolved.
Today is Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility.
Saturn's Day Correspondences: Of course the planetary influence is Saturn and the Deities are Saturn and Hecate. The Flowers and Plants are pansy, morning glory, mullein, cypress trees, and mimosa.
The metal correspondence is Lead and the Colors are black, and deep purple. The Crystals and Stones are: obsidian/apache tear, hematite, jet, black tourmaline. The Essential Oils are: cypress, mimosa, myrrh, patchouli. The Tarot cards for today are: Temperance, Knight of Swords and Two of Swords.
And the Foods, Herbs & Spices are: Pomegranate, beets, thyme.
This Temperance tarot card is from the Faery Wicca tarot deck.
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